williamyang1991 / VToonify

[SIGGRAPH Asia 2022] VToonify: Controllable High-Resolution Portrait Video Style Transfer
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install for windows #50

Open luoww1992 opened 1 year ago

luoww1992 commented 1 year ago

some one share the steps for installing to win ?

luoww1992 commented 1 year ago

now it is sucessful in win10. Thanks for his help: @vitacon

step1: install VS2022 buildtools. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_BuildTools.exe download it and i choose to install these: vs2022_1 vs2022_2

Don't forget add the cl.exe into %PATH% my path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.35.32215\bin\Hostx64\x64 step2: install cuda11.7.1 and cudnn8.5.0 in real main env (the step is to install nvcc)

step3: create conda env conda create --name vtoon_env python=3.9 conda activate vtoon_env conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge conda install libfaiss=1.7.1 -c conda-forge conda install _libgcc_mutex=0.1 ca-certificates=2022.2.1 certifi=2021.10.8 conda install faiss=1.7.1 m2-libedit libfaiss-avx2=1.7.1 -c conda-forge conda install libffi=3.2.1 -c conda-forge conda install matplotlib-base=3.3.4 conda install python-lmdb=1.2.1 conda install setuptools conda install pip conda install pillow

pip install cmake matplotlib ninja numpy opencv-python== scipy tqdm wget conda install dlib=19.21

step4: after activate conda env cd the project path and run python style_transfer.py --scale_image

williamyang1991 commented 1 year ago

Wow, I will add a link to this solution in README to help other win users :)

ZanePoe commented 1 year ago

I followed these steps to make the installation successfully,but there was an error when the program ran。 File "E:\code\github\AI\VToonify\style_transfer.py", line 11, in <module> from model.vtoonify import VToonify File "E:\code\github\AI\VToonify\model\vtoonify.py", line 5, in <module> from model.stylegan.model import ConvLayer, EqualLinear, Generator, ResBlock File "E:\code\github\AI\VToonify\model\stylegan\model.py", line 11, in <module> from model.stylegan.op import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu, upfirdn2d, conv2d_gradfix File "E:\code\github\AI\VToonify\model\stylegan\op\__init__.py", line 1, in <module> from .fused_act import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu File "E:\code\github\AI\VToonify\model\stylegan\op\fused_act.py", line 11, in <module> fused = load( File "C:\Users\xx\.conda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1284, in load return _jit_compile( File "C:\Users\xx\.conda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1508, in _jit_compile _write_ninja_file_and_build_library( File "C:\Users\xx\.conda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1623, in _write_ninja_file_and_build_library _run_ninja_build( File "C:\Users\xx\.conda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1915, in _run_ninja_build message += f": {error.output.decode(*SUBPROCESS_DECODE_ARGS)}" # type: ignore[union-attr] File "C:\Users\xx\.conda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\encodings\oem.py", line 15, in decode return oem_decode(input, errors, True) UnicodeDecodeError: 'cp1' codec can't decode bytes in position 0--1: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target code page. My environment is:win10,cuda11.8. cudnn8.7.0 ;

vitacon commented 1 year ago

No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target code page.

Maybe some non-ANSI characters in path?

luoww1992 commented 1 year ago

your env with conda install xxx is compatible with the cuda version in real env?

ZanePoe commented 1 year ago

I know the reason now。Because my CMD window is utf-8 encoding,After modified to GBK, is ok。Thanks!

qinmingyu134 commented 1 year ago

D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py:304: UserWarning: Error checking compiler version for cl: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。 warnings.warn(f'Error checking compiler version for {compiler}: {error}') 信息: 用提供的模式无法找到文件。 Traceback (most recent call last): File "finetune_stylegan.py", line 14, in from util import data_sampler, requires_grad, accumulate, sample_data, d_logistic_loss, d_r1_loss, g_nonsaturating_loss, g_pa th_regularize, make_noise, mixing_noise, set_grad_none File "E:\CycleGAN\DualStyleGAN-main\util.py", line 10, in from model.stylegan.op import conv2d_gradfix File "E:\CycleGAN\DualStyleGAN-main\model\stylegan\op__init__.py", line 1, in from .fused_act import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu File "E:\CycleGAN\DualStyleGAN-main\model\stylegan\op\fused_act.py", line 15, in os.path.join(module_path, "fused_bias_act_kernel.cu"), File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1091, in load keep_intermediates=keep_intermediates) File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1302, in _jit_compile is_standalone=is_standalone) File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1400, in _write_ninja_file_and_build_library is_standalone=is_standalone) File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1833, in _write_ninja_file_to_build_library with_cuda=with_cuda) File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1948, in _write_ninja_file 'cl']).decode().split('\r\n') File "D:\anaconda\lib\subprocess.py", line 411, in check_output **kwargs).stdout File "D:\anaconda\lib\subprocess.py", line 512, in run output=stdout, stderr=stderr) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['where', 'cl']' returned non-zero exit status 1. Killing subprocess 27436 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\anaconda\lib\runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main "main", mod_spec) File "D:\anaconda\lib\runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\distributed\launch.py", line 340, in main() File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\distributed\launch.py", line 326, in main sigkill_handler(signal.SIGTERM, None) # not coming back File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\distributed\launch.py", line 301, in sigkill_handler raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=last_return_code, cmd=cmd) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['D:\anaconda\python.exe', '-u', 'finetune_stylegan.py', '--local_rank=0', '--iter', '600', '--batch', '1', '--ckpt', './chec kpoint/stylegan2-ffhq-config-f.pt', '--style', 'cartoon', '--augment', './data/cartoon/lmdb/']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

luoww1992 commented 1 year ago

@qinmingyu134, have you added the cl.exe into %PATH% ?

qinmingyu134 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I added the cl.exe into %PATH%.

weweho commented 1 year ago

(vtoon_env) E:\VToonify-main\VToonify-main>python style_transfer.py --scale_image Load options backbone: dualstylegan batch_size: 4 ckpt: ./checkpoint/vtoonify_d_cartoon/vtoonify_s_d.pt color_transfer: False content: ./data/077436.jpg cpu: False exstyle_path: ./checkpoint/vtoonify_d_cartoon\exstyle_code.npy faceparsing_path: ./checkpoint/faceparsing.pth output_path: ./output/ padding: [200, 200, 200, 200] parsing_map_path: None scale_image: True style_degree: 0.5 style_encoder_path: ./checkpoint/encoder.pt style_id: 26 video: False

Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\VToonify-main\VToonify-main\style_transfer.py", line 63, in vtoonify.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.ckpt, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['g_ema']) File "E:\Anaconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\serialization.py", line 791, in load with _open_file_like(f, 'rb') as opened_file: File "E:\Anaconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\serialization.py", line 271, in _open_file_like return _open_file(name_or_buffer, mode) File "E:\Anaconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\serialization.py", line 252, in init super().init(open(name, mode)) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './checkpoint/vtoonify_d_cartoon/vtoonify_s_d.pt' I don‘t konw how to do

weweho commented 1 year ago

maybe i forget to download training modals

Alone-Monkey commented 11 months ago

For help, I also followed the instructions, but what is the problem with reporting this error?

(vtoon_env) I:\pycharm_project\VToonify>python style_transfer.py --scale_image

e:\anaconda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py(120)_find_cuda_home() -> if cuda_home and not torch.cuda.is_available(): (Pdb) c No CUDA runtime is found, using CUDA_HOME='C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.7' Traceback (most recent call last): File "I:\pycharm_project\VToonify\style_transfer.py", line 11, in from model.vtoonify import VToonify File "I:\pycharm_project\VToonify\model\vtoonify.py", line 5, in from model.stylegan.model import ConvLayer, EqualLinear, Generator, ResBlock File "I:\pycharm_project\VToonify\model\stylegan\model.py", line 11, in from model.stylegan.op import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu, upfirdn2d, conv2d_gradfix File "I:\pycharm_project\VToonify\model\stylegan\op__init__.py", line 1, in from .fused_act import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu File "I:\pycharm_project\VToonify\model\stylegan\op\fused_act.py", line 11, in fused = load( File "E:\Anaconda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1310, in load return _jit_compile( File "E:\Anaconda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1712, in _jit_compile _write_ninja_file_and_build_library( File "E:\Anaconda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1812, in _write_ninja_file_and_build_library _write_ninja_file_to_build_library( File "E:\Anaconda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 2201, in _write_ninja_file_to_build_library cuda_flags = common_cflags + COMMON_NVCC_FLAGS + _get_cuda_arch_flags() File "E:\Anaconda\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1982, in _get_cuda_arch_flags arch_list[-1] += '+PTX' IndexError: list index out of range

Langjudy commented 10 months ago

How to handle this issue,”Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\23267\Desktop\grop\VToonify-main\style_transfer.py", line 11, in from model.vtoonify import VToonify File "C:\Users\23267\Desktop\grop\VToonify-main\model\vtoonify.py", line 5, in from model.stylegan.model import ConvLayer, EqualLinear, Generator, ResBlock File "C:\Users\23267\Desktop\grop\VToonify-main\model\stylegan\model.py", line 11, in from model.stylegan.op import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu, upfirdn2d, conv2d_gradfix File "C:\Users\23267\Desktop\grop\VToonify-main\model\stylegan\op__init__.py", line 1, in from .fused_act import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu File "C:\Users\23267\Desktop\grop\VToonify-main\model\stylegan\op\fused_act.py", line 11, in fused = load( File "C:\Users\23267\anaconda3\envs\vtoon_env1\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1308, in load return _jit_compile( File "C:\Users\23267\anaconda3\envs\vtoon_env1\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1736, in _jit_compile return _import_module_from_library(name, build_directory, is_python_module) File "C:\Users\23267\anaconda3\envs\vtoon_env1\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 2136, in _import_module_from_library module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) ImportError: DLL load failed while importing fused:“

williamyang1991 commented 10 months ago

@liuhongs If you have a problem regarding the cpp extention (fused and upfirdn2d), please refer to https://github.com/williamyang1991/VToonify/tree/main/model/stylegan/op_cpu#readme

itwasnoteasy commented 7 months ago

Received following error after following the instructions from this youtube video - Vtoonify who nicely followed these instructions and got it working 6 months before. File "C:\Users\V\miniconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1306, in load return _jit_compile( File "C:\Users\V\miniconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1710, in _jit_compile _write_ninja_file_and_build_library( File "C:\Users\V\miniconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1800, in _write_ninja_file_and_build_library extra_ldflags = _prepare_ldflags( File "C:\Users\V\miniconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 1887, in _prepare_ldflags extra_ldflags.append(f'/LIBPATH:{_join_cuda_home("lib", "x64")}') File "C:\Users\V\miniconda3\envs\vtoon_env\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\cpp_extension.py", line 2407, in _join_cuda_home raise OSError('CUDA_HOME environment variable is not set. ' OSError: CUDA_HOME environment variable is not set. Please set it to your CUDA install root.

After some research installed the pytorch archived version from this pytorch page

For me v2.0.1 worked

CUDA 11.7

conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

After this I also had to download this resnet file manually and copy it to my .cache folder because it seemed to forcibly stop the download for some reason. https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet18-5c106cde.pth C:\Users\$USER_NAME\.cache\torch\hub\checkpoints\

shiyeling commented 5 months ago

Two issues when installing on windows 10:

1 when running the default style transfer python script, it reports error:

" 报错:ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _imaging: 找不到指定的模块" resolved by downgrade pillow to version 8.0.0

2 torch complaining for no CUDA_HOME enviroment variable :

"OSError: CUDA_HOME environment variable is not set. Please set it to your CUDA install root."

although, I have hte CUDA_HOME enviroment variable as below: CUDA_HOME C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.4

could not figure out why

vitacon commented 5 months ago

although, I have hte CUDA_HOME enviroment variable as below: CUDA_HOME C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.4

That's rather strange syntax. What about some quotes?

set CUDA_HOME="C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.4"