williballenthin / python-evtx

Pure Python parser for Windows Event Log files (.evtx)
Apache License 2.0
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Update Dump Json and jq Implementation #91

Open ajread4 opened 2 months ago

ajread4 commented 2 months ago

New commits address missing data within Event XML so that all necessary information is pulled from log data. Prior commits only pulled EventRecordID from within System section. New upgrades pull things like EventID, TimeCreated, Channel, etc. Also, proper usage with jq added so that output can be piped to jq for ease of analysis. New dataset added to tests folder as well!

ajread4 commented 2 months ago

looks like all checks passed too!

ajread4 commented 2 months ago

Checking to see if you can merge! Let me know if there are any other issues

ajread4 commented 2 months ago

program logic looks reasonable. see inline comment about formatting.

would you be up for adding a test case? if not, i can add it after the merge.


I can definitely try to add a test case, I will admit it is my first time adding one

williballenthin commented 2 months ago

Oh, cool! I'm happy to help out, either explaining ideas or answering questions. Thanks for everything you've done so far!

ajread4 commented 2 months ago

Oh, cool! I'm happy to help out, either explaining ideas or answering questions. Thanks for everything you've done so far!

I want to create a test that runs the evtx_dump_json with the evtx data located within the data folder. However, I am having trouble calling the main function. I tried to import scripts but it was never able to import the module even after I added a init.py to the scripts directory. Any thoughts?

ajread4 commented 2 months ago


This is how I am trying to set it up. But, I keep getting errors of the below.


ajread4 commented 2 months ago

I wasn't able to figure it out, apologies!

ajread4 commented 1 month ago

fixed issues with EventData missing key and added a UserData loop to cover newly discovered evtx data fields

williballenthin commented 1 month ago

(sorry I wasn't able to get this merged before I left for a little PTO. i have an explicit TODO item to merge this when i return. i hope that's ok. )

ajread4 commented 1 month ago

No worries! Was just working on some other tasks and found something I needed to address here.

Didn't mean to come across as pressuring!