williballenthin / python-registry

Pure Python parser for Windows Registry hives.
Apache License 2.0
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Last reorganized timestamp and access bits support #66

Closed msuhanov closed 8 years ago

msuhanov commented 8 years ago
  1. REGFBlock: add the reorganized_timestamp() method.
  2. NKRecord: add the access_bits() method.
NiKiZe commented 8 years ago

Nice! Any chance we can get tests added for these as well?

msuhanov commented 8 years ago

I can upload sample hive files here (attach them to the message) or include them in the pull request. Do we need a script to run against the samples?

EricZimmerman commented 8 years ago

if its at all possible, i would recommend using the hives i have in my Registry project so people can test against a common set of hives.

NiKiZe commented 8 years ago

There was some pytest style tests merged in #58 But if there is anything else available that is easy to use to run all tests before commit/merge then feel free to use that ;) (the testing directory should probably be renamed to test, and that script be made pytest compatible)

with pytest (and six) installed it easy to run py.test in base directory and it will run test scripts in the project. Currently it seems we have a few non tests detected as tests which fails.

If we can add more testscripts to test other hives that is of-course good, but IMHO it is first and foremost important that all new code gets tests added.

williballenthin commented 8 years ago

code looks good, thanks! i'd definitely appreciate adding a few tests to demonstrate that the data expected is the data actually extracted. also, so we can identify regressions in the future. if there's any concerns there, let me know.

williballenthin commented 8 years ago

i've learned to configure travis during the FLOSS project, and now i can't believe i hadn't been using it. definitely want to set up automated testing for this project sometime in the near future.

msuhanov commented 8 years ago

I have added the test case based on the small hive used in Unicode tests (it was mounted and unmounted on a Windows 8.1 machine).

williballenthin commented 8 years ago

looks great, thanks!