williballenthin / python-vb

analysis of visual basic code
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extract olb references #8

Open williballenthin opened 6 years ago

williballenthin commented 6 years ago

found in test binary strings:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VB6.OLB
williballenthin commented 6 years ago

following ProjectData2 is an array of three objects:

.text:00424494                                                   dd offset some_struct
.text:00424498                                                   dd offset lpGUID_of_Timer1
.text:0042449C                                                   dd offset pNull0

.text:004244A0                                                   dd offset some_struct
.text:004244A4                                                   dd offset lpGUID_of_didList
.text:004244A8                                                   dd offset pNull1

.text:004244AC                                                   dd offset some_struct
.text:004244B0                                                   dd offset lpGUID_of_Form
.text:004244B4                                                   dd offset pNull2

following some_struct:

.text:0041C474 some_struct                                       dd offset some_guid                               ; DATA XREF: .text:00424494↓o
.text:0041C474                                                                                                     ; .text:004244A0↓o ...
.text:0041C478                                                   dd 0
.text:0041C47C                                                   dd 6
.text:0041C480                                                   dd 9
.text:0041C484                                                   dd offset aCProgramFilesX                         ; "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visu"...
.text:0041C488                                                   dd offset aVB                                     ; "VB"
.text:0041C48C                                                   dd offset pNull3
.text:0041C490                                                   dd 0
.text:0041C494                                                   dd 0
.text:0041C498                                                   dd 7EB040h

we can blindly follow these pointers to pull out the OLB path, but that doesn't seem very responsible. some questions immediately pop into mind: