willinteractive / will-style

WILL styles for webapps.
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Can/should we make this gem override some basic rails methods to support its expectations? #11

Closed chadmoone closed 10 years ago

chadmoone commented 10 years ago

Example, stock rails:

 <%= form_for @product do |f| %>
   <div class="form-group">
    <%= f.label :name, "Name" %>
    <%= f.text_field :name %>

We expect forms to look like this:

 <%= form_for @product, html: { role: "form" } do |f| %>
   <div class="form-group">
    <%= f.label :name, "Name", class: "control-label" %>
    <%= f.text_field :name, class: "form-control" %>

This is just one example, but there will be a lot of situations like this. Is there something we can do to avoid adding repetitive and verbose code when doing very common and basic things? If so, what downsides are there to the approach?

dillonlucente commented 10 years ago

I think it's worth it and it's pretty easy to override.

dillonlucente commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I think we'll do this. This specific example no longer applies to foundation but as we find them, I think we should patch them.