willis81808 / LethalCompany-PortableMultiTool

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[Incompatibility - v1.1.3] HackPad prevents loading assets from GeneralImprovements #3

Closed SeedyMcSeedface closed 5 months ago

SeedyMcSeedface commented 5 months ago

I don't know if this is still active, but I have left this here in hopes that it's seen. I have also submitted a similar report to GeneralImprovement's GitHub.

After running through mods one-by-one, I've identified what appears to be an incompatibility of some kind with the GeneralImprovements Mod.

When HackPad is enabled, GeneralImprovments is unable to load it's assets file due to the error "another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded". This is the only incompatibility I've found, and this persists even with a profile that is just GeneralImprovements and HackPad with their relative dependencies.

I have provided a profile code I used for testing below along with the LogOutput file.

r2modman profile code: 018d53be-f22b-8c48-32e7-301016c75daa LogOutput.log