willithappen / eams

Easy ArmA Medical System
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REQUEST: Broken limbs #9

Open Jazz-Daniels opened 4 years ago

Jazz-Daniels commented 4 years ago

I like the idea of having broken legs/arms and having a medic and possibly section staff be able to fix it with a splint.

The broken limb wouldn't be debilitating in any way and more of an annoyance than anything. I was thinking 30-40% speed penalty if broken leg and 40-50% inaccuracy if broken arm.

Simple fix of applying a splint to the affected limb with a possibility of the splint breaking after x amount of time.

PTE John Smith has a broken leg and after applying splint 10 minutes ago received fire from EN. Splint was broken and needed re-applying.

EDIT: The reason I added in section staff to be able to apply splints is because what if the medic is unconscious and security still needs to be performed.