willixix / naglio-plugins

Monitoring Plugins by William Leibzon
77 stars 54 forks source link

check_linux_procstat pnp4nagios template #30

Closed liedekef closed 11 years ago

liedekef commented 11 years ago


I'm using your plugin check_linux_procstat and saw that it doesn't work well with pnp4nagios 0.6.x when using multiple rrd's to store the results (RRD_STORAGE_TYPE = MULTIPLE in the file process_perfdata.cfg). Below you can find the adapted version (which should work for all cases).

# Copyright (c) 2011 William Leibzon (http://william.leibzon.org/nagios/)
# This is PNP4Nagios template for check_linux_procstat.pl nagios plugin
# The plugin reads /proc/stat and gives out its content as performance data:
# CPU data is cpu_???? for all cpu together and cpu?_???? for specific core
# csum_???? is sum from all cpu?_ cores which replaces cpu_?? if its different
# Some additional data are memory and swap operations (not in for later 2.6 kernel),
# interrupts and context switches, processes forking and blocked processes stats

$CORE = array();
foreach ($this->DS as $KEY=>$VAL) {
    if (preg_match('/cpu_(.*)/', $VAL['LABEL'], $matches)) {
    else if (preg_match('/cpu(\d*)_(.*)/', $VAL['LABEL'], $matches)) {
    if ($cpunum != -1) {
        if (!isset($CORE[$cpunum])) $CORE[$cpunum]=array();
        $CORE[$cpunum][$cpuparam]= $VAL;
    if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'num_intr') {
        $num_intr = $VAL;
        if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'ctxt') {
                $ctxt = $VAL;
    if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'processes') {
        $processes = $VAL;
    if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'procs_blocked') {
        $procs_blocked = $VAL;
    if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'procs_running') {
        $procs_running = $VAL;
    if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'swap_paged_in') {
        $swap_paged_in = $VAL;
    if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'swap_paged_out') {
        $swap_paged_out = $VAL;
        if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'data_paged_in') {
                $data_paged_in = $VAL;
        if ($VAL['LABEL'] == 'data_paged_out') {
                $data_paged_out = $VAL;

# Go through all CPUs and prepare graphs
for ($i=0; $i<count($CORE); $i++) {
    $gkey = $i;
    $pre = '';
    $unm = '';
        if ($i==0) {
                $opt[$gkey] = '--vertical-label Percent --title "Total for all CPUs on ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME']. '"  --upper=101 --lower=0';
        $ds_name[$gkey] = "Total for All CPUs"; 
        $pre = 'percent_';
        $unm = '%2.1lf%% ';
        else {  
                $opt[$gkey] = '--vertical-label "jiffs/sec" --title "CPU Core '. ($i-1) . ' on '. $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME'].'" --lower=0';
        $ds_name[$gkey] = 'CPU Core '.($i-1);
        $unm = '%6.2lf ';

    $def[$gkey] = '';

    foreach ($CORE[$i] as $K=>$V) {
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::def($K, $V['RRDFILE'], $V['DS'], "AVERAGE");

    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("total", "idle,nice,+,user,+,system,+,iowait,+,irq,+,softirq,+");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_used", "total,idle,-,total,/,100,*");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_idle", "idle,total,/,100,*");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_nice", "nice,total,/,100,*");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_user", "user,total,/,100,*");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_system", "system,total,/,100,*");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_iowait", "iowait,total,/,100,*");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_irq", "irq,total,/,100,*");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("percent_softirq", "softirq,total,/,100,*");

    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("user_area", $pre."used");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("nice_area_temp", "user_area,".$pre."user,-");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("nice_area","nice_area_temp,0,LT,0,nice_area_temp,IF");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("system_area_temp", "nice_area,".$pre."nice,-");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("system_area","system_area_temp,0,LT,0,system_area_temp,IF");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("irq_area_temp", "system_area,".$pre."system,-");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("irq_area","irq_area_temp,0,LT,0,irq_area_temp,IF");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("softirq_area_temp", "irq_area,".$pre."irq,-");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("softirq_area","softirq_area_temp,0,LT,0,softirq_area_temp,IF");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("iowait_area", $pre."iowait");

    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::comment("* Total Idle\\t");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."idle", array("LAST", "MAX", "AVERAGE"), $unm);
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::comment("* Total Used\\t");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."used", array("LAST", "MAX", "AVERAGE"), $unm);
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::comment("\\r");

    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::area("user_area", "#40E0D0", "user\\t");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."user", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), $unm);
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::area("nice_area", "#87CEEB", "nice\\t");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."nice", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), $unm);
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::area("system_area", "#8B4513", "system\\t");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."system", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), $unm);
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::area("irq_area", "#FF0000", "irq   \\t");
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."irq", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), $unm);
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::area("softirq_area", "#FFFF00", "softirq\\t");
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."softirq", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), $unm);
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::area("iowait_area", "#FFA500", "iowait\\t");
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint($pre."iowait", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), $unm);

if (isset($swap_paged_in) && isset($swap_paged_out) && isset($data_paged_in) && isset($data_paged_out)) {
    $opt[$gkey] = '--vertical-label # --title "Memory and Swap Operations on ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME']. '"';
    $ds_name[$gkey] = "Memory and Swap Operations";
    $def[$gkey] = rrd::def("data_paged_in", $data_paged_in['RRDFILE'], $data_paged_in['DS'], "AVERAGE");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::def("data_paged_out", $data_paged_out['RRDFILE'], $data_paged_out['DS'], "AVERAGE");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::def("swap_paged_in", $swap_paged_in['RRDFILE'], $swap_paged_in['DS'], "AVERAGE");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::def("swap_paged_out", $swap_paged_out['RRDFILE'], $swap_paged_out['DS'], "AVERAGEo");

    $def[$gkey] .= "AREA:data_paged_in#00CF00:\"Data Paged In \: \t\g\" ";
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("data_paged_in", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');
    $def[$gkey] .= "AREA:data_paged_out#FF8C0:\"Data Paged Out\: \t\g\":STACK ";
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("data_paged_out", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');
    $def[$gkey] .= "LINE2:swap_paged_in#FF0000:\"Swap Paged In \: \t\g\" ";
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("swap_paged_in", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::cdef("swap_paged_out_line", "swap_paged_out,data_paged_in,+");
    $def[$gkey] .= "LINE2:swap_paged_out_line#0000FF:\"Swap Paged Out\: \t\g\" ";
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("swap_paged_out", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');

if (isset($num_intr) && isset($ctxt)) {
        $opt[$gkey] = '--vertical-label "events per sec" --title "Interrupts and Context Switches on ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME']. '"';
        $ds_name[$gkey] = "Interrupts and Context Switches";
        $def[$gkey] = rrd::def("ctxt", $ctxt['RRDFILE'], $ctxt['DS'], "AVERAGE");
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::def("num_intr", $num_intr['RRDFILE'], $num_intr['DS'], "AVERAGE");
    $def[$gkey] .= "AREA:ctxt#00CF00:\"Context Switches (per second)\: \t\g\" ";
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("ctxt", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');
    $def[$gkey] .= "LINE1:num_intr#FF0000:\"Interrupts (per second)      \: \t\g\" ";
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("num_intr", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');

if (isset($processes) && isset($procs_running) && isset($procs_blocked)) {
        $opt[$gkey] = '--vertical-label "processes" --title "Process Scheduling on ' . $this->MACRO['DISP_HOSTNAME']. '"';
        $ds_name[$gkey] = "Process Scheduling";
        $def[$gkey] = rrd::def("processes", $processes['RRDFILE'], $processes['DS'], "AVERAGE");
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::def("procs_running", $procs_running['RRDFILE'], $procs_running['DS'], "AVERAGE");
    $def[$gkey] .= rrd::def("procs_blocked", $procs_blocked['RRDFILE'], $procs_blocked['DS'], "AVERAGE");
        $def[$gkey] .= "AREA:processes#00CF00:\"Processes Forked Per Second\: \t\g\" ";
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("processes", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');
    $def[$gkey] .= "LINE1:procs_running#0000FF:\"Processes In Running State \: \t\g\" ";  
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("procs_running", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');
        $def[$gkey] .= "LINE1:procs_blocked#FF0000:\"Processes Currently Blocked\: \t\g\" ";
        $def[$gkey] .= rrd::gprint("procs_blocked", array("LAST", "AVERAGE", "MAX"), '%6.2lf ');

willixix commented 11 years ago

Does this also work for those that don't use multi? And it appears pnp template on github is older version than the one you used and the one I uploaded to nagiosexchange. I'll have to investigate what happened and fix that first. Will look into it on holiday weekend as I'm busy until then.

liedekef commented 11 years ago

Since I just used a more generic approach: it should.

willixix commented 11 years ago

I've added your updates into github. Thank you.