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[Code review request] Minegauler (advanced minesweeper app) #18

Open LewisGaul opened 2 years ago

LewisGaul commented 2 years ago

What is the name of your project? Minegauler

What is the repo URL? https://github.com/LewisGaul/minegauler

Is there anything else I should know about the code? There's lots I could write here - I've been working on this project since I was at uni learning Python and have started over a couple of times. I have a small design doc in the repo under https://github.com/LewisGaul/minegauler/blob/main/docs/, but if you'd like to ask/chat about anything just let me know.

This is a GUI app using PyQt5. I used this project to try out the MVC design pattern, but I feel I may have gone a bit overkill on abstracting the interaction between core and frontend.

Are there any areas you would like me to focus on? The focus should be on the core minegauler package, not the stuff around the edge like the server/bot/helpers. I've just been trying to add a new 'split cells' mode (see https://github.com/LewisGaul/minegauler/issues/41), and find myself trying to abstract the concept of a coordinate and the board, which has been quite tricky.

Have I reviewed this project previously? No

Very kind of you to offer reviews for people! No worries if you don't want to spend time on mine, since the user count is fairly low and it's a desktop app rather than a library.