willmcgugan / codereviews

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pip #7

Closed pradyunsg closed 2 years ago

pradyunsg commented 2 years ago

What is the name of your project? pip

What is the repo URL? https://github.com/pypa/pip

Is there anything else I should know about the code?

There's about a decade of technical debt here. The two biggest chunks of complexity are the build logic and the dependency resolver.

There's some development docs in pip's documentation as well!

Are there any areas you would like me to focus on?

Well, I guess, if you can spot any easy wins like renaming things to clarify their purpose, or things that aren't consistent through the codebase! Stuff like that, but if you're down for a design review, that's welcome too. :)

Avoid looking too closely at the tests/lib directory and ignore the add_requirement method on InstallRequirement. The src/pip/_vendor directory has third-party packages that pip uses.

Is this your first review?

This question isn't super clear, but this would be the first time I'm filing an issue here.

PS: You might want to use GitHub issue forms here. ;)

willmcgugan commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what I can offer for pip, TBH. It's a large project with already a lot of experienced engineers looking at it. But I will put it on my list.

pradyunsg commented 2 years ago

You'll be surprised at how few people work with the code directly; even if a lot of folks depend on it. Re experience -- yes, but also most of my time working on pip has been as an undergrad student who spent more energy in open source projects than college projects. ;)

That said, the reason I filed this is because I think it'd be really valuable to have someone with a good sense of design, take a look at how things work right now; and provide feedback+input on it. Plus, fresh eyes can spot low hanging fruit! :)

pradyunsg commented 2 years ago

Alrighty, I'mma be nice and not pile on additional work for you to do. :)