willofindie / vscode-cssvar

VSCode extension to support CSS Variables Intellisense
MIT License
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Global custom properties no longer showing up #52

Closed djmtype closed 2 years ago

djmtype commented 2 years ago

I don't know if the update broke something. But, 2 days ago, this extension was working great. It was able to pick up all my css custom properties. Now, it doesn't seem to work. Only intellisense picks up on the custom properties I've used within the same file.

I tried re-enabling the extension and rechecking its settings. I just added "cssvar.files": ["**/*.css"], but it made no difference.

Here are my settings:

"cssvar.postcssPlugins": ["postcss-preset-env"],
    "cssvar.extensions": [
    "cssvar.postcssSyntax": [
    "cssvar.files": ["**/*.css"],

It fails in .astro files without an alert. Within .css files, I get the screenshot attached: Screen Shot 2022-07-28 at 2 18 04 PM

phoenisx commented 2 years ago

It clearly looks like the parser is failing to parse the CSS file, which shouldn't be the case, as I released a safe-parser which should work for any type of file.

Can you help with the following details:

Also, to understand your cssvar settings:

In your config, I am not sure what does "@tokencss/postcss" do. Is it a supported postcss syntax parser.

phoenisx commented 2 years ago

You can also refer to the examples, if your vscode settings are correctly set or not 👍🏾

djmtype commented 2 years ago

Thanks @phoenisx

I have a bunch of errors like these: Screen Shot 2022-07-28 at 4 48 39 PM

Currently, it's now working but only within css files. However, between the <style> in .astro files it's only picking up currently existing custom properties via Intellisense.

I did the obvious thing and restarted my computer. That made no difference. Using Workspaces or not made no difference. I removed the TokenCSS from cssvar settings – made no difference

djmtype commented 2 years ago

I tried on VS Codium too. No errors, but doesn't work with Astro files either.

I just saw a previously closed issue regarding Open-Props. SO, it seems it's not picking up Open-Props custom props in .astro files, but it picks them up in .css files.

According to the Open-Props' VS Code instructions (https://open-props.style/#getting-started), it should be set up as:

// .vscode/settings.json file
  "cssvar.files": [

Is that correct? I already tried that.

phoenisx commented 2 years ago

Is this the project: https://github.com/djmtype/astro-xenon that fails to parse the main.css files??

Anyways, I need to raise a PR to update Open-Props docs, because there has been some recent changes that by default ignores scanning node_modules files.

Due to this you will have to provide:

  // Do not ignore node_modules, which is ignored by default
  "cssvar.ignore": []

You can refer to this example for better understanding.

djmtype commented 2 years ago

@phoenisx That's the repo, but it's the open-props branch. https://github.com/djmtype/astro-xenon/tree/open-props

It's still not offering css variables suggestions. I also tried adding a Vue component to an Astro project and that didn't provided suggestions to Open-Props or my local css variables either. It seems to only provide suggestions among other css files.

In conclusion works well with css files. But, files where css exists inside a <style> tag, Intellisense, not CSS Vars, will only provide suggestions of css custom properties that pre-exist in the same file.

phoenisx commented 2 years ago

Hi @djmtype

What is the extension of the file where you are not seeing any intellisense?

Can you share a short video clip or a reproduction of the issue that you are facing? This would help me understand your problem better

djmtype commented 2 years ago

@phoenisx CSS Vars currently isn't showing suggestions from local css files or node modules on any .astro file within a