willothy / veil.nvim

A blazingly fast, animated, and infinitely customizeable startup / dashboard plugin (currently unmaintained, but with plans for a ground-up rewrite)
141 stars 6 forks source link

Status: Veil v2 #14

Open willothy opened 1 year ago

willothy commented 1 year ago

Hello all! Sorry for the (very long) delay in updating this plugin. I've had other priorities, mainly work and maintaining flatten.nvim and nvim-cokeline, that have kept me away from this project.

However, I am finally starting on a complete rewrite of Veil which will allow for far more advanced features such as hover events, as well as more consistent animation timing. I've learned a lot about both Lua and UI frameworks since I initially created this plugin, and I finally feel ready to build this into what it was originally meant to be.

I don't want to give a time-frame for the rewrite, as I did that in the past and ended up not having the time to work on this, but I will update here when I can. I hope to deliver a much better startup screen soon.

Stay tuned!

Komar0ff commented 5 months ago

Hi. What is the current stage of plugin development? Do you need any help?

willothy commented 5 months ago

Hi. What is the current stage of plugin development? Do you need any help?

Haven't worked on this one in a while, mainly because I don't use a startup screen plugin and have become busier recently, but I still plan on finishing the rewrite when I have time. My plan is similar to nui-components.nvim which I'm doing some work on as well, so check that out for now :)

As far as help goes, I don't want anyone to waste their time so I wouldn't recommend working with any of the code that exists in this repo atm. I'll definitely accept contributions when I have an updated version ready though!

aniketgm commented 3 weeks ago

Hey man, whenever you're ready! Note, nui-components.nvim is also a fancy plugin. The functionality it gives is cool, however, personally I don't like those cursor movement animations. If you are planning to make veil similar to nui-components, would recommend/request to make those animations as optional.