Is there any way to show color inspection in HEX code format? I think HEX code format is often used to represent color by almost designer (in Figma or Sketch for example).
If currently there's no way to show color in HEX code format, it would be nice if I can contribute to add a new feature so that Hyperion can show color representation in both RGBA decimal values and HEX code format. Those two formats can be toggled by tapping on it. I've made a demo below.
Is there any way to show color inspection in HEX code format? I think HEX code format is often used to represent color by almost designer (in Figma or Sketch for example).
If currently there's no way to show color in HEX code format, it would be nice if I can contribute to add a new feature so that Hyperion can show color representation in both RGBA decimal values and HEX code format. Those two formats can be toggled by tapping on it. I've made a demo below.
Greetings, Ricki