willowtreeapps / sign-in-with-apple-button-android

An Android library for Sign In with Apple
MIT License
283 stars 68 forks source link

Signin successfully in webview but did not get response. #54

Open zarksalman opened 4 years ago

zarksalman commented 4 years ago

By using pull request # 51, I logged in the webview and redirect to my page but did not get any response in the listener. here is my code ` SignInWithAppleConfiguration configuration = new SignInWithAppleConfiguration.Builder() .clientId("my_id") .redirectUri("my_redirect_uri") .scope("name") .build();

   SignInWithAppleCallback callback = new SignInWithAppleCallback() {
        public void onSignInWithAppleSuccess(@NonNull String authorizationCode) {
            Log.d("SAMPLE_APP", "Received authorization code from Apple Sign In " + 

        public void onSignInWithAppleFailure(@NonNull Throwable error) {
            Log.d("SAMPLE_APP", "Received error from Apple Sign In " + error.getMessage());

        public void onSignInWithAppleCancel() {
            Log.d("SAMPLE_APP", "User canceled Apple Sign In");

    appleLoginButton.setUpSignInWithAppleOnClick(getSupportFragmentManager(), configuration, callback); `
pedrodanielcsantos commented 4 years ago

@zarksalman I see that you're using a custom scope. The issue is probably the same as in a similar issue: https://github.com/willowtreeapps/sign-in-with-apple-button-android/issues/50. Please check my comment there, as it should help you.

vishalkumarsinghvi commented 1 year ago

You can use my fork dependency https://github.com/vishalkumarsinghvi/sign-in-with-apple-button-android