willprice / python-omxplayer-wrapper

:tv: Control OMXPlayer, the Raspberry Pi media player, from Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
253 stars 71 forks source link

Initial Update #126

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago

This PR sets up pyup.io on this repo and updates all dependencies at once, in a single branch.

Subsequent pull requests will update one dependency at a time, each in their own branch. If you want to start with that right away, simply close this PR.

Update imagesize from 0.7.1 to 1.0.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/imagesize - Repo: https://github.com/shibukawa/imagesize_py

Update alabaster from 0.7.10 to 0.7.11.

Changelog ### 0.7.11 ``` * :bug:`73` Clean up some problematic font issues: - Remove the outright broken Goudy Old Style, plus other mostly Adobe-only fonts, from the ``font_family`` config setting; it is now simply ``Georgia, serif`` which is what the majority of users were rendering anyways. - Clear out the default value of ``head_font_family`` (which contained ``Garamond``, a nice but also Adobe only font) - Set ``head_font_family`` so it falls back to the value of ``font_family`` unless a user has explicitly set it themselves. .. note:: You can always go back to the old values by :ref:`explicitly setting <theme-options>` ``font_family`` and/or ``head_font_family`` in your ``conf.py``'s ``html_theme_options``, e.g.:: html_theme_options = { 'description': 'My awesome project', 'font_family': "goudy old style, minion pro, bell mt, Georgia, Hiragino Mincho Pro, serif", } .. warning:: Depending on individual viewers' systems, this change *may* be **visually** backwards incompatible if you were not already overriding the font settings and those users had the fonts in question (which are not default on most systems). As seen in the note above, you can **always** override the new defaults to go back to the old behavior, using your config file. * :feature:`18 backported` (via :issue:`101`) Add optional *next* and *previous* links at the top and bottom of page content. Use theme option ``show_relbars`` to enable these. Credit: William Minchin. * :support:`- backported` Miscellaneous project maintenance updates such as adding to Travis CI and enforcing the use of ``flake8``. * :feature:`110 backported` Add ``badge_branch`` option allowing configurability of which specific Git branch the Travis, Codecov, etc buttons default to. Credit: ``TitanSnow``. * :support:`111 backported` Add setuptools-level entrypoint for improved theme distribution compatibility. Thanks to Aaron Carlisle for the patch. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/alabaster - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/alabaster/ - Docs: https://alabaster.readthedocs.io

Update jinja2 from 2.9.6 to 2.10.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/jinja2 - Homepage: http://jinja.pocoo.org/

Update coverage from 4.4.1 to 4.5.1.

Changelog ### 4.5.1 ``` ---------------------------- - Now that 4.5 properly separated the ``[run] omit`` and ``[report] omit`` settings, an old bug has become apparent. If you specified a package name for ``[run] source``, then omit patterns weren't matched inside that package. This bug (`issue 638`_) is now fixed. - On Python 3.7, reporting about a decorated function with no body other than a docstring would crash coverage.py with an IndexError (`issue 640`_). This is now fixed. - Configurer plugins are now reported in the output of ``--debug=sys``. .. _issue 638: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/638/run-omit-is-ignored-since-45 .. _issue 640: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/640/indexerror-reporting-on-an-empty-decorated .. _changes_45: ``` ### 4.5 ``` -------------------------- - A new kind of plugin is supported: configurators are invoked at start-up to allow more complex configuration than the .coveragerc file can easily do. See :ref:`api_plugin` for details. This solves the complex configuration problem described in `issue 563`_. - The ``fail_under`` option can now be a float. Note that you must specify the ``[report] precision`` configuration option for the fractional part to be used. Thanks to Lars Hupfeldt Nielsen for help with the implementation. Fixes `issue 631`_. - The ``include`` and ``omit`` options can be specified for both the ``[run]`` and ``[report]`` phases of execution. 4.4.2 introduced some incorrect interactions between those phases, where the options for one were confused for the other. This is now corrected, fixing `issue 621`_ and `issue 622`_. Thanks to Daniel Hahler for seeing more clearly than I could. - The ``coverage combine`` command used to always overwrite the data file, even when no data had been read from apparently combinable files. Now, an error is raised if we thought there were files to combine, but in fact none of them could be used. Fixes `issue 629`_. - The ``coverage combine`` command could get confused about path separators when combining data collected on Windows with data collected on Linux, as described in `issue 618`_. This is now fixed: the result path always uses the path separator specified in the ``[paths]`` result. - On Windows, the HTML report could fail when source trees are deeply nested, due to attempting to create HTML filenames longer than the 250-character maximum. Now filenames will never get much larger than 200 characters, fixing `issue 627`_. Thanks to Alex Sandro for helping with the fix. .. _issue 563: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/563/platform-specific-configuration .. _issue 618: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/618/problem-when-combining-windows-generated .. _issue 621: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/621/include-ignored-warning-when-using .. _issue 622: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/622/report-omit-overwrites-run-omit .. _issue 627: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/627/failure-generating-html-reports-when-the .. _issue 629: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/629/multiple-use-of-combine-leads-to-empty .. _issue 631: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/631/precise-coverage-percentage-value .. _changes_442: ``` ### 4.4.2 ``` ---------------------------- - Support for Python 3.7. In some cases, class and module docstrings are no longer counted in statement totals, which could slightly change your total results. - Specifying both ``--source`` and ``--include`` no longer silently ignores the include setting, instead it displays a warning. Thanks, Loïc Dachary. Closes `issue 265`_ and `issue 101`_. - Fixed a race condition when saving data and multiple threads are tracing (`issue 581`_). It could produce a "dictionary changed size during iteration" RuntimeError. I believe this mostly but not entirely fixes the race condition. A true fix would likely be too expensive. Thanks, Peter Baughman for the debugging, and Olivier Grisel for the fix with tests. - Configuration values which are file paths will now apply tilde-expansion, closing `issue 589`_. - Now secondary config files like tox.ini and setup.cfg can be specified explicitly, and prefixed sections like `[coverage:run]` will be read. Fixes `issue 588`_. - Be more flexible about the command name displayed by help, fixing `issue 600`_. Thanks, Ben Finney. .. _issue 101: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/101/settings-under-report-affect-running .. _issue 581: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/581/race-condition-when-saving-data-under .. _issue 588: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/588/using-rcfile-path-to-toxini-uses-run .. _issue 589: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/589/allow-expansion-in-coveragerc .. _issue 600: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/600/get-program-name-from-command-line-when .. _changes_441: ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/coverage - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/coverage/ - Repo: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy

Update decorator from 4.1.2 to 4.2.1.

Changelog ### 4.2.1 ``` Fixed a regression breaking IPython and discovered by https://github.com/spapini ``` ### 4.2.0 ``` Added a facility to define families of decorators (aka decorators with arguments) as requested by several users. Accepted a pylint patch by David Allouche. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/decorator - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/decorator/ - Repo: https://github.com/micheles/decorator

Update sphinxcontrib-websupport from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/sphinxcontrib-websupport - Homepage: http://sphinx-doc.org/

Update sphinx from 1.6.3 to 1.7.6.

Changelog ### 1.7.6 ``` ============================== Dependencies ------------ Incompatible changes -------------------- Deprecated ---------- Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- * 5037: LaTeX ``\sphinxupquote{}`` breaks in Russian * sphinx.testing uses deprecated pytest API; ``Node.get_marker(name)`` * 5016: crashed when recommonmark.AutoStrictify is enabled * 5022: latex: crashed with docutils package provided by Debian/Ubuntu * 5009: latex: a label for table is vanished if table does not have a caption * 5048: crashed with numbered toctree * 2410: C, render empty argument lists for macros. * C++, fix lookup of full template specializations with no template arguments. * 4667: C++, fix assertion on missing references in global scope when using intersphinx. Thanks to Alan M. Carroll. * 5019: autodoc: crashed by Form Feed Character * 5032: autodoc: loses the first staticmethod parameter for old styled classes * 5036: quickstart: Typing Ctrl-U clears the whole of line * 5066: html: "relations" sidebar is not shown by default * 5091: latex: curly braces in index entries are not handled correctly * 5070: epub: Wrong internal href fragment links * 5104: apidoc: Interface of ``sphinx.apidoc:main()`` has changed * 5076: napoleon raises RuntimeError with python 3.7 * 5125: sphinx-build: Interface of ``sphinx:main()`` has changed * sphinx-build: ``sphinx.cmd.build.main()`` refers ``sys.argv`` instead of given argument * 5146: autosummary: warning is emitted when the first line of docstring ends with literal notation * autosummary: warnings of autosummary indicates wrong location (refs: 5146) * 5143: autodoc: crashed on inspecting dict like object which does not support sorting Testing -------- ``` ### 1.7.5 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4924: html search: Upper characters problem in any other languages * 4932: apidoc: some subpackage is ignored if sibling subpackage contains a module starting with underscore * 4863, 4938, 4939: i18n doesn't handle node.title correctly tat used for contents, topic, admonition, table and section. * 4913: i18n: literal blocks in bullet list are not translated * 4962: C++, raised TypeError on duplicate declaration. * 4825: C++, properly parse expr roles and give better error messages when (escaped) line breaks are present. * C++, properly use ``desc_addname`` nodes for prefixes of names. * C++, parse pack expansions in function calls. * 4915, 4916: links on search page are broken when using dirhtml builder * 4969: autodoc: constructor method should not have return annotation * latex: deeply nested enumerated list which is beginning with non-1 causes LaTeX engine crashed * 4978: latex: shorthandoff is not set up for Brazil locale * 4928: i18n: Ignore dot-directories like .git/ in LC_MESSAGES/ * 4946: py domain: type field could not handle "None" as a type * 4979: latex: Incorrect escaping of curly braces in index entries * 4956: autodoc: Failed to extract document from a subclass of the class on mocked module * 4973: latex: glossary directive adds whitespace to each item * 4980: latex: Explicit labels on code blocks are duplicated * 4919: node.asdom() crashes if toctree has :numbered: option * 4914: autodoc: Parsing error when using dataclasses without default values * 4931: autodoc: crashed when handler for autodoc-skip-member raises an error * 4931: autodoc: crashed when subclass of mocked class are processed by napoleon module * 5007: sphinx-build crashes when error log contains a "%" character ``` ### 1.7.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4885, 4887: domains: Crashed with duplicated objects * 4889: latex: sphinx.writers.latex causes recusrive import ``` ### 1.7.3 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4769: autodoc loses the first staticmethod parameter * 4790: autosummary: too wide two column tables in PDF builds * 4795: Latex customization via ``_templates/longtable.tex_t`` is broken * 4789: imgconverter: confused by convert.exe of Windows * 4783: On windows, Sphinx crashed when drives of srcdir and outdir are different * 4812: autodoc ignores type annotated variables * 4817: wrong URLs on warning messages * 4784: latex: :confval:`latex_show_urls` assigns incorrect footnote numbers if hyperlinks exists inside substitutions * 4837: latex with class memoir Error: Font command ``\sf`` is not supported * 4803: latex: too slow in proportion to number of auto numbered footnotes * 4838: htmlhelp: The entries in .hhp file is not ordered * toctree directive tries to glob for URL having query_string * 4871: html search: Upper characters problem in German * 4717: latex: Compilation for German docs failed with LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX * 4459: duplicated labels detector does not work well in parallel build * 4878: Crashed with extension which returns invalid metadata ``` ### 1.7.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 4520: apidoc: folders with an empty __init__.py are no longer excluded from TOC Bugs fixed ---------- * 4669: sphinx.build_main and sphinx.make_main throw NameError * 4685: autosummary emits meaningless warnings * autodoc: crashed when invalid options given * pydomain: always strip parenthesis if empty (refs: 1042) * 4689: autosummary: unexpectedly strips docstrings containing "i.e." * 4701: viewcode: Misplaced ``<div>`` in viewcode html output * 4444: Don't require numfig to use :numref: on sections * 4727: Option clash for package textcomp * 4725: Sphinx does not work with python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 * 4716: Generation PDF file with TexLive on Windows, file not found error * 4574: vertical space before equation in latex * 4720: message when an image is mismatched for builder is not clear * 4655, 4684: Incomplete localization strings in Polish and Chinese * 2286: Sphinx crashes when error is happens in rendering HTML pages * 4688: Error to download remote images having long URL * 4754: sphinx/pycode/__init__.py raises AttributeError * 1435: qthelp builder should htmlescape keywords * epub: Fix docTitle elements of toc.ncx is not escaped * 4520: apidoc: Subpackage not in toc (introduced in 1.6.6) now fixed * 4767: html: search highlighting breaks mathjax equations ``` ### 1.7.1 ``` ===================================== Deprecated ---------- * 4623: ``sphinx.build_main()`` is deprecated. * autosummary: The interface of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()`` has been changed (Since 1.7.0) * 4664: ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx.debug()`` is deprecated. For more details, see `deprecation APIs list <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/extdev/index.htmldeprecated-apis>`_ Bugs fixed ---------- * 4608: epub: Invalid meta tag is generated * 4260: autodoc: keyword only argument separator is not disappeared if it is appeared at top of the argument list * 4622: epub: :confval:`epub_scheme` does not effect to content.opf * 4627: graphviz: Fit graphviz images to page * 4617: quickstart: PROJECT_DIR argument is required * 4623: sphinx.build_main no longer exists in 1.7.0 * 4615: The argument of ``sphinx.build`` has been changed in 1.7.0 * autosummary: The interface of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()`` has been changed * 4630: Have order on msgids in sphinx.pot deterministic * 4563: autosummary: Incorrect end of line punctuation detection * 4577: Enumerated sublists with explicit start with wrong number * 4641: A external link in TOC cannot contain "?" with ``:glob:`` option * C++, add missing parsing of explicit casts and typeid in expression parsing. * C++, add missing parsing of ``this`` in expression parsing. * 4655: Fix incomplete localization strings in Polish * 4653: Fix error reporting for parameterless ImportErrors * 4664: Reading objects.inv fails again * 4662: ``any`` refs with ``term`` targets crash when an ambiguity is encountered ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ ``` ### 1.7.0b3 ``` * 4019: inheritance_diagram AttributeError stoping make process * 4531: autosummary: methods are not treated as attributes * 4538: autodoc: ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.Options`` has been moved * 4539: autodoc emits warnings for partialmethods * 4223: doctest: failing tests reported in wrong file, at wrong line * i18n: message catalogs are not compiled if specific filenames are given for ``sphinx-build`` as arguments (refs: 4560) * 4027: sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel now expects labels to be the same as they are in the raw source; no smart quotes, nothig fancy. * 4581: apidoc: Excluded modules still included Testing -------- ``` ### 1.7.0b2 ``` * 4415: autodoc classifies inherited classmethods as regular methods * 4415: autodoc classifies inherited staticmethods as regular methods * 4472: DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS is not defined * 4491: autodoc: prefer _MockImporter over other importers in sys.meta_path * 4490: autodoc: type annotation is broken with python 3.7.0a4+ * utils package is no longer installed * 3952: apidoc: module header is too escaped * 4275: Formats accepted by sphinx.util.i18n.format_date are limited * 4493: recommonmark raises AttributeError if AutoStructify enabled * 4209: intersphinx: In link title, "v" should be optional if target has no version * 4230: slowdown in writing pages with sphinx 1.6 * 4522: epub: document is not rebuilt even if config changed ``` ### 1.7.0b1 ``` * Add support for docutils 0.14 * Add tests for the ``sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram`` extension. ``` ### 1.6.7 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 1922: html search: Upper characters problem in French * 4412: Updated jQuery version from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1 * 4438: math: math with labels with whitespace cause html error * 2437: make full reference for classes, aliased with "alias of" * 4434: pure numbers as link targets produce warning * 4477: Build fails after building specific files * 4449: apidoc: include "empty" packages that contain modules * 3917: citation labels are tranformed to ellipsis * 4501: graphviz: epub3 validation error caused if graph is not clickable * 4514: graphviz: workaround for wrong map ID which graphviz generates * 4525: autosectionlabel does not support parallel build * 3953: Do not raise warning when there is a working intersphinx inventory * 4487: math: ValueError is raised on parallel build. Thanks to jschueller. * 2372: autosummary: invalid signatures are shown for type annotated functions * 3942: html: table is not aligned to center even if ``:align: center`` ``` ### 1.6.6 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 4181: autodoc: Sort dictionary keys when possible * ``VerbatimHighlightColor`` is a new :ref:`LaTeX 'sphinxsetup' <latexsphinxsetup>` key (refs: 4285) * Easier customizability of LaTeX macros involved in rendering of code-blocks * Show traceback if conf.py raises an exception (refs: 4369) * Add :confval:`smartquotes` to disable smart quotes through ``conf.py`` (refs: 3967) * Add :confval:`smartquotes_action` and :confval:`smartquotes_excludes` (refs: 4142, 4357) Bugs fixed ---------- * 4334: sphinx-apidoc: Don't generate references to non-existing files in TOC * 4206: latex: reST label between paragraphs loses paragraph break * 4231: html: Apply fixFirefoxAnchorBug only under Firefox * 4221: napoleon depends on autodoc, but users need to load it manually * 2298: automodule fails to document a class attribute * 4099: C++: properly link class reference to class from inside constructor * 4267: PDF build broken by Unicode U+2116 NUMERO SIGN character * 4249: PDF output: Pygments error highlighting increases line spacing in code blocks * 1238: Support ``:emphasize-lines:`` in PDF output * 4279: Sphinx crashes with pickling error when run with multiple processes and remote image * 1421: Respect the quiet flag in sphinx-quickstart * 4281: Race conditions when creating output directory * 4315: For PDF 'howto' documents, ``latex_toplevel_sectioning='part'`` generates ``\chapter`` commands * 4214: Two todolist directives break sphinx-1.6.5 * Fix links to external option docs with intersphinx (refs: 3769) * 4091: Private members not documented without :undoc-members: ``` ### 1.6.5 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 4107: Make searchtools.js compatible with pre-Sphinx1.5 templates * 4112: Don't override the smart_quotes setting if it was already set * 4125: Display reference texts of original and translated passages on i18n warning message * 4147: Include the exception when logging PO/MO file read/write Bugs fixed ---------- * 4085: Failed PDF build from image in parsed-literal using ``:align:`` option * 4100: Remove debug print from autodoc extension * 3987: Changing theme from alabaster causes HTML build to fail * 4096: C++, don't crash when using the wrong role type. Thanks to mitya57. * 4070, 4111: crashes when the warning message contains format strings (again) * 4108: Search word highlighting breaks SVG images * 3692: Unable to build HTML if writing .buildinfo failed * 4152: HTML writer crashes if a field list is placed on top of the document * 4063: Sphinx crashes when labeling directive ``.. todolist::`` * 4134: [doc] :file:`docutils.conf` is not documented explicitly * 4169: Chinese language doesn't trigger Chinese search automatically * 1020: ext.todo todolist not linking to the page in pdflatex * 3965: New quickstart generates wrong SPHINXBUILD in Makefile * 3739: ``:module:`` option is ignored at content of pyobjects * 4149: Documentation: Help choosing :confval:`latex_engine` * 4090: [doc] :confval:`latex_additional_files` with extra LaTeX macros should not use ``.tex`` extension * Failed to convert reST parser error to warning (refs: 4132) ``` ### 1.6.4 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 3926: Add ``autodoc_warningiserror`` to suppress the behavior of ``-W`` option during importing target modules on autodoc Bugs fixed ---------- * 3924: docname lost after dynamically parsing RST in extension * 3946: Typo in sphinx.sty (this was a bug with no effect in default context) * :pep: and :rfc: does not supports ``default-role`` directive (refs: 3960) * 3960: default_role = 'guilabel' not functioning * Missing ``texinputs_win/Makefile`` to be used in latexpdf builder on windows. * 4026: nature: Fix macOS Safari scrollbar color * 3877: Fix for C++ multiline signatures. * 4006: Fix crash on parallel build * 3969: private instance attributes causes AttributeError * 4041: C++, remove extra name linking in function pointers. * 4038: C, add missing documentation of ``member`` role. * 4044: An empty multicolumn cell causes extra row height in PDF output * 4049: Fix typo in output of sphinx-build -h * 4062: hashlib.sha1() must take bytes, not unicode on Python 3 * Avoid indent after index entries in latex (refs: 4066) * 4070: crashes when the warning message contains format strings * 4067: Return non-zero exit status when make subprocess fails * 4055: graphviz: the :align: option does not work for SVG output * 4055: graphviz: the :align: center option does not work for latex output * 4051: ``warn()`` function for HTML theme outputs 'None' string ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/sphinx - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/sphinx/ - Homepage: http://sphinx-doc.org/

Update pbr from 3.1.1 to 4.1.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pbr - Homepage: https://docs.openstack.org/pbr/latest/

Update babel from 2.5.1 to 2.6.0.

Changelog ### 2.6.0 ``` ------------- Possibly incompatible changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These may be backward incompatible in some cases, as some more-or-less internal APIs have changed. Please feel free to file issues if you bump into anything strange and we'll try to help! * Numbers: Refactor decimal handling code and allow bypass of decimal quantization. (kdeldycke) (PR 538) * Messages: allow processing files that are in locales unknown to Babel (akx) (PR 557) * General: Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3 (hugovk) (PR 546) Other changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * CLDR: Use CLDR 33 (akx) (PR 581) * Lists: Add support for various list styles other than the default (akx) (552) * Messages: Add new PoFileError exception (Bedrock02) (PR 532) * Times: Simplify Linux distro specific explicit timezone setting search (scop) (PR 528) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ * CLDR: avoid importing alt=narrow currency symbols (akx) (PR 558) * CLDR: ignore non-Latin numbering systems (akx) (PR 579) * Docs: Fix improper example for date formatting (PTrottier) (PR 574) * Tooling: Fix some deprecation warnings (akx) (PR 580) Tooling & docs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add explicit signatures to some date autofunctions (xmo-odoo) (PR 554) * Include license file in the generated wheel package (jdufresne) (PR 539) * Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes (scop) (PR 528) * Test and document all supported Python versions (jdufresne) (PR 540) * Update copyright header years and authors file (akx) (PR 559) ``` ### 2.5.3 ``` ------------- This is a maintenance release that reverts undesired API-breaking changes that slipped into 2.5.2 (see https://github.com/python-babel/babel/issues/550). It is based on v2.5.1 (f29eccd) with commits 7cedb84, 29da2d2 and edfb518 cherry-picked on top. ``` ### 2.5.2 ``` ------------- Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ * Revert the unnecessary PyInstaller fixes from 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 (533) (yagebu) ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/babel - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/babel/ - Homepage: http://babel.pocoo.org/ - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/Babel/

Update pytz from 2017.2 to 2018.5.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pytz - Homepage: http://pythonhosted.org/pytz - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/pytz/

Update typing from 3.6.2 to 3.6.4.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/typing - Homepage: https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html

Update requests from 2.18.4 to 2.19.1.

Changelog ### 2.19.1 ``` +++++++++++++++++++ **Bugfixes** - Fixed issue where status_codes.py's ``init`` function failed trying to append to a ``__doc__`` value of ``None``. ``` ### 2.19.0 ``` +++++++++++++++++++ **Improvements** - Warn user about possible slowdown when using cryptography version < 1.3.4 - Check for invalid host in proxy URL, before forwarding request to adapter. - Fragments are now properly maintained across redirects. (RFC7231 7.1.2) - Removed use of cgi module to expedite library load time. - Added support for SHA-256 and SHA-512 digest auth algorithms. - Minor performance improvement to ``Request.content``. - Migrate to using collections.abc for 3.7 compatibility. **Bugfixes** - Parsing empty ``Link`` headers with ``parse_header_links()`` no longer return one bogus entry. - Fixed issue where loading the default certificate bundle from a zip archive would raise an ``IOError``. - Fixed issue with unexpected ``ImportError`` on windows system which do not support ``winreg`` module. - DNS resolution in proxy bypass no longer includes the username and password in the request. This also fixes the issue of DNS queries failing on macOS. - Properly normalize adapter prefixes for url comparison. - Passing ``None`` as a file pointer to the ``files`` param no longer raises an exception. - Calling ``copy`` on a ``RequestsCookieJar`` will now preserve the cookie policy correctly. **Dependencies** - We now support idna v2.7. - We now support urllib3 v1.23. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/requests - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/requests/ - Homepage: http://python-requests.org

Update certifi from 2017.7.27.1 to 2018.4.16.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/certifi - Homepage: http://certifi.io/

Update idna from 2.6 to 2.7.

Changelog ### 2.7 ``` ++++++++++++++++ - Update to Unicode 10.0.0. - No longer accepts dot-prefixed domains (e.g. ".example") as valid. This is to be more conformant with the UTS 46 spec. Users should strip dot prefixes from domains before processing. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/idna - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/idna/ - Repo: https://github.com/kjd/idna
codecov-io commented 6 years ago

Codecov Report

Merging #126 into master will decrease coverage by 0.1%. The diff coverage is n/a.

Impacted file tree graph

@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##           master     #126      +/-   ##
- Coverage   79.19%   79.09%   -0.11%     
  Files           4        3       -1     
  Lines         399      397       -2     
  Branches       21       21              
- Hits          316      314       -2     
  Misses         75       75              
  Partials        8        8
Impacted Files Coverage Δ

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Legend - Click here to learn more Δ = absolute <relative> (impact), ø = not affected, ? = missing data Powered by Codecov. Last update 1bbd9ad...e471dd0. Read the comment docs.