willprice / python-omxplayer-wrapper

:tv: Control OMXPlayer, the Raspberry Pi media player, from Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Omxplayer crashes with GPIO #85

Closed balamsoto closed 7 years ago

balamsoto commented 7 years ago

Issue : crashes


using 3 gpio as input pull up to load movies makes the player crash after few pushbuttons

Problem reproduction

after few gpio are grounded player crashes


#!/usr/bin/env python2
import os.path
from time import sleep
import subprocess
import os
from omxplayer import OMXPlayer
vida = '/home/pi/Videos/testvids/6.mov'
vidb = '/home/pi/Videos/testvids/3.mov'
vidc = '/home/pi/Videos/testvids/t2.mp4'
default = '/home/pi/Videos/testvids/t1.mp4'

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

#set up GPIO using BCM numbering

#All Gpio's as input and pull up

GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(4, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)

player = OMXPlayer(default,args=['--no-osd','--blank'],)

while True:

      if GPIO.input(2) ==0:

           print("gpio 2")

      if (GPIO.input(3) == 0):

            print("gpio 3")
           # sleep(5)

      if (GPIO.input(4) == 0):
            print("gpio 4")



gpio 4
gpio 3
gpio 2
gpio 4
gpio 3
gpio 2
gpio 4
gpio 3
gpio 4
gpio 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mygpio.py", line 34, in <module>
  File "build/bdist.linux-armv7l/egg/omxplayer/player.py", line 162, in load
  File "build/bdist.linux-armv7l/egg/omxplayer/player.py", line 88, in _load_source
  File "build/bdist.linux-armv7l/egg/omxplayer/player.py", line 134, in _setup_dbus_connection
SystemError: DBus cannot connect to the OMXPlayer process

Environment details

Software Version
python-omxplayer-wrapper 0.1.0
python-dbus (dpkg -s python-dbus) 1.2.0
python (python --version) 2.7.9
omxplayer (omxplayer --version) 6c90c75
willprice commented 7 years ago

How long are the videos you are loading in seconds?

Your program seems reasonable and is something that should be supported. I will have a look at replicated this with keypresses instead of GPIO and see whether I can reproduce the issue.

jehutting commented 7 years ago

I have already done that (changing the GPIO by keyboardkeys):

Upon Player::load the function Player::_setup_dbus_connection is called to make a new OMXPlayer connection. When the connection to OMXPlayer fails, a self.tries is incremented (up to a max of 50). Now when you do a second/third/etc. time load, the incrementation continues from where the previous load made the connection. So after an amount of loads (which varies depending on how fast the OMXPlayer connection is made) you run into the max value, resulting in the error.

The solution could be to place a self.tries = 0 before the while self.tries < 50); start from a refresh count.

willprice commented 7 years ago

Could you provided the modified code as a minimal example?

Thanks for the suggestion, sounds good. I'll make the change and test it fixes.

jehutting commented 7 years ago

This is the @balamsoto modified code (using keys in stead of GPIO)

#!/usr/bin/env python2

# Modified balamsoto code by jehutting
# See balamsoto's code at will price python-omxplayer-wrapper issue #85
# Original code uses GPIOs in stead of keyboard keys

import os.path
from time import sleep
import subprocess
import os
from omxplayer import OMXPlayer
vida = 'Videos/testvids/6.mov'
vidb = 'Videos/testvids/3.mov'
vidc = 'Videos/testvids/t2.mp4'
vidd = 'Videos/testvids/t3.mp4'
default = 'Videos/testvids/t1.mp4'

from keyb import KBHit

player = OMXPlayer(default, args=['--no-osd','--blank'],)

      # KEYBOARD control
      kb = KBHit()
      while True:
          if kb.kbhit():
              c = kb.getch()
              if c == chr(27) or c == 'q': # ESC or 'q' key to quit
              elif c == '1':
              elif c == '2':
              elif c == '3':
              elif c == '4':
              elif c == '5':


except KeyboardInterrupt:

# Kill the `omxplayer` process gracefully.

The keyboard KBHit() functionality in keyb.py.zip.

Fix in python-omxplayer-wrapper:: player.py


    def _setup_dbus_connection(self, Connection, bus_address_finder):
        logger.debug('Trying to connect to OMXPlayer via DBus')
        self.tries = 0 #fix issue-85
        while self.tries < 50:
            logger.debug('DBus connect attempt: {}'.format(self.tries))
fuerstfanta commented 5 years ago

Hi! Just playing around with GPIOs and OMXPlayer. Ran both examples from here. 2 Problems:

  1. Only 2 from 5 videos running, 3 are only black screen - why?
  2. I have always a gap when switch between videos, so that I can see the desktop/console. I want to eliminate that - how can I manage that?

Thanks in advance for your help (I' raspberry / python newbie :-)) Chris

JE-Random-Tech commented 4 years ago

Hi, this answer is a little late but rather late then never ;-). Regarding point 1 you could increase the GPU memory and try if the videos can be played with the terminal (omxplayer pathofvideo). For the second point i made a video which you can see here. This also includes how to set the Gpu memory. Hope this helps .