willwade / tts-wrapper

TTS-Wrapper makes it easier to use text-to-speech APIs by providing a unified and easy-to-use interface.
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Word timing is not working in google #26

Open Chafid opened 1 week ago

Chafid commented 1 week ago


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word timing in google does not work since google tts use synth_to_bytestream which does not implemented the timing

Steps to Reproduce

run tts.start_playback_with_callbacks(text, callback=my_callback) using google tts.

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen] word timing won't be printed

Actual behavior: [What actually happened] word timing is implemented in synth_to_bytes instead of synth_to_bytestream

Notes Similar case with sharponnx, with similar root cause

This is also happening for SAPI, but the issue here is it is using synth_to_byte, but that function only serves as a wrapper for the client synth function on SAPI, so it does not implement the word timing as well

willwade commented 1 week ago

This is probably not right so please don't just expect this to work.

class GoogleTTS(AbstractTTS):
    # Other methods remain unchanged

    def synth_to_bytestream(
        self, text: Any, format: Optional[str] = "wav"
    ) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
        Synthesizes text to an in-memory bytestream and retrieves word timings using
        AbstractTTS's estimate_word_timings method.

        :param text: The text to synthesize.
        :param format: The desired audio format (e.g., 'wav', 'mp3', 'flac').
        :return: A generator yielding bytes objects containing audio data.
        # Generate estimated word timings using the abstract method
        self.timings = self.estimate_word_timings(text)

        # Generate audio stream data and yield as chunks
        for timing in self.timings:
            word = timing[2]  # Extract word from timing data
            # Replace with actual synthesized bytes from TTS for each word
            audio_chunk = self.synth(word)  # Placeholder for actual synthesis
            yield audio_chunk

And Sherpa onnx

class SherpaOnnxTTS(AbstractTTS):

Other methods remain unchanged

def synth_to_bytestream(
    self, text: Any, format: Optional[str] = "wav"
) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
    Synthesizes text to an in-memory bytestream and estimates word timings.
    Yields audio data chunks as they are generated.

    :param text: The text to synthesize.
    :param format: The desired audio format (e.g., 'wav', 'mp3', 'flac').
    :return: A generator yielding bytes objects containing audio data.
            f"[SherpaOnnxTTS.synth_to_bytestream] Synthesizing text: {text}"

        # Generate estimated word timings using the abstract method
        self.timings = self.estimate_word_timings(text)

        # Buffer to store audio chunks for conversion and timing
        audio_chunks = []

        # Iterate over generated audio chunks
        for chunk_idx, (progress, samples) in enumerate(
                f"Processing audio chunk {chunk_idx} with progress {progress}"

            # Collect audio chunks for conversion

            # Concatenate current chunks for conversion
            current_audio = np.concatenate(audio_chunks, axis=0)

            # Convert PCM data to the desired audio format
            converted_audio = self._convert_audio(
                current_audio, format, self.audio_rate

            # Strip WAV header if necessary
            if format == "wav" and converted_audio[:4] == b"RIFF":
                logging.info("Stripping wav header from bytestream")
                converted_audio = self._strip_wav_header(converted_audio)

            # Yield the converted audio chunk
            yield converted_audio

            # Reset the buffer after yielding
            audio_chunks = []

        # After all chunks are processed, perform any necessary finalization
        if audio_chunks:
            current_audio = np.concatenate(audio_chunks, axis=0)
            converted_audio = self._convert_audio(
                current_audio, format, self.audio_rate
            if format == "wav" and converted_audio[:4] == b"RIFF":
                converted_audio = self._strip_wav_header(converted_audio)

            yield converted_audio

    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"Error in synth_to_bytestream: {e}")
willwade commented 1 week ago

Nb. Would also need

def start_playback_with_callbacks(self, text: str, callback=None): """Play synthesized audio with word timing callbacks.""" if callback is None: callback = self.on_word_callback

# Start playback using synth_to_bytestream with timings
for start, end, word in self.timings:
    delay = max(0, start - time.time())
    timer = threading.Timer(delay, callback, args=(word, start, end))