willyvmm / mouSTer

mouSTer - universal USB HID class device to db9 adapter.
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PS5/DS5 controller not working. #25

Closed sho3string closed 7 months ago

sho3string commented 1 year ago

Retrohax lists Sony DS5(wired) as supported but the device does not detect the controller at all when plugged in. Tried all available firmware.

DS4/PS4 controller working fine.

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure why, but I can confirm it's no longer recognized by mouSTer. I guess that may be caused by DS5 firmware update?

sho3string commented 1 year ago

That's likely the case.

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

Could you please try the latest prerelease firmware form yesterday: https://github.com/willyvmm/mouSTer/releases/tag/3.17.3291 I'm not 100sure how the DS5 is working (Remember that it is a dedicated controller). Yesterday/2 days ago I could not get the connection. Today it got connected ... without any additional action. To be honest - I don't understand why?

sho3string commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately it's not working for me. I tried another brand new controller I had un-opened since I bought my PS5, then updated firmware on controller using 'Firmware updater for DualSense", updated mouSter firmware. Tried changing the mode in the INI.

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

OK. I can see some differences. I have performed a HARD RESET (small hole on the back https://www.online-tech-tips.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/how-to-reset-your-ps5-dualsense-controller-6-compressed.jpg ) on my DS5 controller. Seems like i have to update the firmware once again and try again.

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

OK. I can see some differences. I have performed a HARD RESET (small hole on the back https://www.online-tech-tips.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/how-to-reset-your-ps5-dualsense-controller-6-compressed.jpg ) on my DS5 controller. I have verified the DS firmware and the tools say 0307 (the latest).

Could you try with the latest firmware: https://github.com/willyvmm/mouSTer/releases/tag/3.17.3309

If still not working, try to rest using the hole on the back.

willyvmm commented 7 months ago

The workaround until I understand the root cause of this issue is to hard reset the DS5 controller.