willyvmm / mouSTer

mouSTer - universal USB HID class device to db9 adapter.
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Support for Atari MegaST/MegaSTE/TT ports #44

Open mikrosk opened 3 weeks ago

mikrosk commented 3 weeks ago

I see that the official support is for Atari 260ST, 520ST, 1040ST(e) and Falcon. I have also noticed (with other USB adapters) that my MegaST/MegaSTE/TT keyboards indeed behave differently (buggy) when connected (one has to boot in such a bug state, then disconnect and reconnect them).

I didn't investigate further, is there something special about those keyboards?

willyvmm commented 1 week ago

Hi @mikrosk

Yes. It's kind of known issue. Due to the way how the keyboard is connected to the mainboard the 5V on the connector is dropping/unstable. You may try to clean connectors using "contact spray" etc to improve mechanical contact. In the very beginning of the mouSTer development i even build a special version dedicated to Mega series. It included an dedicated DC/DC converter to deliver stable 5V to USB.

Best Willy.

mikrosk commented 1 week ago

Bummer. :-/ I was hoping for some protocol change/different wiring issue but not this.