wilsto / pool-monitor-card

The "Pool Monitor Card" is a home assistant plugin that display information of 1 to 12 pre-defined sensors of your swimming pool : temperature, pH, ORP levels and TDS but also if you need them : salinity, CYA, calcium, phosphate, alkalinity, filter pressure , free chlorine, total chlorine
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Set Pool Ideal Range Value #14

Open saboaua opened 1 year ago

saboaua commented 1 year ago

A good feature if you could set the value for the ideal range for your pool. If you have a salt pool, some values are different compare to a normal pool. Or you just want to have a slightly different range where you live.

wilsto commented 1 year ago

hi @saboaua , you can already do it for each sensor : example here with salinity : https://github.com/wilsto/pool-monitor-card#salinity

gregtakacs commented 1 year ago

While you can set the ideal range, it's missing true customization. A single number for the mid-point and another one for the deviation is pretty basic.

For example, there is a good range of pH that is acceptable, ie. anything between 7.2-7.6 but I'd like my mid point to be 7.5 and I'd like to have anything lower than 7.1 marked as low but on the high I'm OK with it going as high as 7.8. This is currently not doable.

The most prominent issue is temperature: My pool here in the Texas summer can get as hot as 90F and I'd be swimming in as low as 70F. This puts my idael range at 20F but it also means I have temps as high as 110F displayed which is scorching hot tub temperature which I don't expect the pool to ever hit!

romain563 commented 8 months ago

The recommandations are not apropriate for pools in France (https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/texte_jo/JORFTEXT000043535394). There are also differences between exterior or interior pools Others parameters are necessary for a good monitoring : combined chlorine, active chlorine...

Les bornes acceptables ne sont pas les valeurs recommandées par le code de la santé publique en France. Il serait bon que chacun puisse adapter les zones à ses spécificités régionales et à son type de piscine Il faut également calculer le chlore libre actif qui dépends entre autre du pH et de la température. Le calcul du chlore combiné est également important pour la santé. La description des paramètres et leurs conséquences ne sont pas correctes dans le readme