wilzbach / dlang-docker

Automated Docker images for D
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Questions regarding docker repositories #16

Open dgellow opened 4 years ago

dgellow commented 4 years ago

Hey there,

Is there a reason to have one image per base-image, with a distinct name? The common approach with public Docker images is to have one repository name such as dlang2/dmd and use tags like dlang2/dmd:ubuntu, dlang2/dmd:alpine, dlang2/dmd:2.091.1-ubuntu, etc for versions and base images.

Meaning that on docker hub you would have only 3 repositories to manage:

Not that the current situation is broken, but it goes a bit against what I would expect (e.g: nginx image, to illustrate what I mean https://hub.docker.com/_/nginx?tab=tags).

Also, I see that the alpine images don't have tags https://hub.docker.com/r/dlang2/dmd-alpine/tags. Is that expected? That looks like a bug.

wilzbach commented 4 years ago

(I'm sorry for missing this issue)

Is there a reason to have one image per base-image, with a distinct name?

Yup, there is a historic reason. This project solely started because we needed a specific CircleCi image for DMD to speed-up PR builds and fix issues with the normal CircleCI default docker image. As a test I added the -ubuntu repos to see whether it might be enough for people as a replacement for the previous docker channel which went silent at that time and wanted to keep a clear separation from the CircleCi build images.

The common approach with public Docker images is to have one repository name

Yep, I'm aware and now that people have requested amazonlinux and other images, it really makes sense to switch to that. I will adapt the build setup to this.

Also, I see that the alpine images don't have tags https://hub.docker.com/r/dlang2/dmd-alpine/tags. Is that expected? That looks like a bug.

Well, I simply never got around building the Alpine images.

Geod24 commented 3 years ago

Well, I simply never got around building the Alpine images.

For reference, Alpine now offers relatively up-to-date images in community/{dmd,ldc} and main/gcc supports GDC, so I would just remove those images.