wilzbach / tools-test

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OSX: `rdmd -shared -oflibfun.dylib fun.d` and otool -L libfun.dylib points to libfun.dylib.tmp #166

Open wilzbach opened 7 years ago

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Note: the issue was created automatically migrated from https://issues.dlang.org

Original bug ID: BZ#17216 From: Timothee Cour <timothee.cour2@gmail.com> Reported version: D2 CC: andrew@ugh.net.au, timothee.cour2@gmail.com

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Comment author: Timothee Cour <timothee.cour2@gmail.com>

v2.072.2 rdmd build 20170108


rdmd -v --force --build-only -shared -oflibfun.dylib fun.d creates libfun.dylib

otool -L libfun.dylib libfun.dylib: libfun.dylib.tmp (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)

libfun.dylib.tmp is wrong, and will cause errors when linking via -lfun, eg: dyld: Library not loaded: libfun.dylib.tmp

This used to work on OSX (and works on linux)

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Comment author: Timothee Cour <timothee.cour2@gmail.com>

same with latest: DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.1 rdmd build 20170220

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Comment author: Timothee Cour <timothee.cour2@gmail.com>

workaround: -L-install_name -Llibfun.dylib

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Comment author: Andrew <andrew@ugh.net.au>

This is still occurring in HEAD.

When rdmd calls dmd it gives an output name that ends with ".tmp" (https://github.com/dlang/tools/blob/master/rdmd.d#L483-L488) and that is what dmd passes to clang (used for linking under OSX). As the install_name arg isn't given thats what ends up being the install_name of the dylib and hence this problem.

There are two obvious ways of fixing it - get dmd to call clang with install_name or run install_name_tool after building.

Neither seem obviously great - IIUC rdmd doesn't know its building a shared library so doesn't know install_name is important. dmd does know but isn't aware that rdmd has passed it a dummy output name that will later get mv'ed to the final name.

I don't yet know if rdmd needs to use the .tmp then mv trick but I'm guessing its there to cope with some sort of error on some platform - if that could be avoided the problem would disappear. Anything else seems to require rdmd learning about shared libraries under OSX or dmd having more awareness of rdmd.

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Comment author: Andrew <andrew@ugh.net.au>

OK .tmp is added at https://github.com/dlang/tools/commit/085dc5d000b828be9a3c2dc79548352f63b52db4 to work around a Windows problem so removing it without an alternative wouldn't be good.

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Comment author: Andrew <andrew@ugh.net.au>

I now have a fix at https://github.com/cqexbesd/tools/tree/dlang_17216.

It's not great - it just makes the windows work around only happen under Windows.

Given https://github.com/cqexbesd/tools/blob/d27bcc1228863ba0a3b0ae5cf47a8d3a409bda45/rdmd.d#L461-L481 however I'm not sure that the windows workaround should still be needed. The rm code didn't exist when the workaround was added AFAIK. I might try removing the workaround and finding a windows user who can test it.

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

Comment author: Andrew <andrew@ugh.net.au>

Second proposed fix (removing the use of .tmp altogether) is at https://github.com/cqexbesd/tools/tree/dlang_17216_v2. I don't have a copy of Windows so it needs testing - but it works under OSX.