wimaha / TeslaBleHttpProxy

TeslaBleHttpProxy is a program written in Go that receives HTTP requests and forwards them via Bluetooth to a Tesla vehicle. The program can, for example, be easily used together with evcc.
Apache License 2.0
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Howto get Source for social, range, status... #2

Open bill340 opened 2 weeks ago

bill340 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm planning to implement your solution... Just one question. From where / how can I get this data? I used teslalogger for it, but it also stopped working due to Tesla api limitations.

  source: [Your Source ...]
  source: [Your Source ...]
  source: combined
    source: [Your Source ...]
    source: [Your Source ...]

And how can I use it with 2 different Teslas? Just run the "Generate key..." Commands again with different VIN?

infinus commented 1 week ago

I use teslamate and output the data to MQTT. I"m not sure about the 2nd part.

bill340 commented 6 days ago

As Teslamate and Teslalogger is still running into Fleet-API limits, could we not use the BLEProxy to get these parameters from the car?

wimaha commented 6 days ago

I will update the documentation this week so that a detailed guide on how to handle these values will be available.

Unfortunately it is not possible to get these parameter via bluetooth from the car. This is currently not supported by Tesla. There is already a feature request on the vehicle command repository: https://github.com/teslamotors/vehicle-command/issues/52