wimdeblauwe / ttcli

CLI to create a Spring Boot with Thymeleaf project
Apache License 2.0
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Intelij code folding issue, with shoelace #128

Open robiasto opened 1 month ago

robiasto commented 1 month ago

Problem: When I use shoelace components, Intelij do not understand the components.

My Solution: I downloaded shoelace-style/shoelace, an add it to package.json

"web-types": [ "./web-types.json" ]


It is also possible for htmx.org https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/htmx.org/editors/jetbrains/htmx.web-types.json

By the way, great Books, I learned a lot.

wimdeblauwe commented 1 month ago

Oh, wow! That is interesting for Shoelace. For htmx, I use the IntelliJ plugin, so there is already code completion like that. I could have ttcli download that json file and add it to the project automatically when Shoelace is selected.