wimleers / fileconveyor

File Conveyor is a daemon written in Python to detect, process and sync files. In particular, it's designed to sync files to CDNs. Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files, as well as any Origin Pull or (S)FTP Push CDN, are supported. Originally written for my bachelor thesis at Hasselt University in Belgium.
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daemon.pid is missing #152

Closed sam2de closed 10 years ago

sam2de commented 10 years ago

Hello, I just installed File Conveyor on my ubuntu server and it works fine, however it looks like that I can't see daemon.pid anywhere. the files get synced to rackspace cloud files. also the CDN module for drupal is giving me an error message "File Conveyor is currently not running." I think drupal CMS setup is correct but it's not seeing the daemon.pid file.


wimleers commented 10 years ago

See settings.py:

PID_FILE = '~/.fileconveyor.pid'
sam2de commented 10 years ago

Thank you, but this already setup correctly, and I'm providing the correct path to Drupal, I will try on another VPS and I will report back.. Thanks again

wimleers commented 10 years ago

Then if Drupal can't read it, it's a permissions problem. If the file is not being created, it also is a permissions problem.