wimleers / fileconveyor

File Conveyor is a daemon written in Python to detect, process and sync files. In particular, it's designed to sync files to CDNs. Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files, as well as any Origin Pull or (S)FTP Push CDN, are supported. Originally written for my bachelor thesis at Hasselt University in Belgium.
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processsor 'link_updater.CSSURLUpdater' has failed while processing the file #45

Closed tairoxxx closed 13 years ago

tairoxxx commented 13 years ago

It seems that it cant process my css file...

the multinotify.css file is

div.mnSubscriptionContainer {margin:2px 0;padding:2px 8px;background:#eee;border:1px solid #ccc;min-height:63px;} div.mnSubscriptionContainer h3 {margin-top:2px;} div.mnSubscriptionContainer .description {padding:0;} div.mnSubscriptionContainer .subscribers {float:right;width:auto;height:40px;background:#fff;border:1px solid #ccc;margin:0;padding:17px 4px 8px 4px;font-size:14px;} div.mnSubscriptionContainer .subscribers span {display:block;width:100%;text-align:center;} div.mnSubscriptionContainer .subscribers span.number {margin:1px auto;font-weight:bold;} span.number.xs {font-size:10px;} span.number.s {font-size:20px;} span.number.l {font-size:25px;} span.number.xl {font-size:30px;} div.mnSubscriptionContainer .multinotifyFormContainer {} form.mnSubscriptionForm {} .mnSusbcriptionFormLog {display:block;color:#4c8bc1;font-weight:bold; margin-top:4px; padding:8px 0 8px 30px} .notice { background:url(/components/com_multinotify/assets/images/info.png) no-repeat scroll 0 50% transparent;border-bottom:2px solid; border-top:2px solid;} form.mnSubscriptionForm label {float:none;margin-right:10px;margin-top:8px;} ul.mnUnauthorized {background:url(/components/com_multinotify/assets/images/warning.png) no-repeat scroll 0 50% transparent; display:block;color:#e83030;border-bottom:2px solid; border-top:2px solid; margin:25px 0 0; padding:8px} li.mnUnauthorized { list-style:none; padding-left:28px;font-weight:bold; } span.mnUnauthorized {display:block;color:#red;font-weight:bold; text-align:center; border-bottom:2px solid; border-top:2px solid; margin-top:4px; padding:8px}

wimleers commented 13 years ago

Yes, this processor is not as robust as it should be, due to theCSS parser Python module it uses. It should be rewritten for improved robustness, probably by using regular expressions.

Feel free to contribute!

wimleers commented 13 years ago

Similar issue in #33 (which was closed in favor of this one).

wimleers commented 13 years ago

Now this one is closed in favor of #65, which contains far more useful information.