wimleers / fileconveyor

File Conveyor is a daemon written in Python to detect, process and sync files. In particular, it's designed to sync files to CDNs. Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files, as well as any Origin Pull or (S)FTP Push CDN, are supported. Originally written for my bachelor thesis at Hasselt University in Belgium.
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Can't authenticate to cloud files #46

Closed datr closed 13 years ago

datr commented 13 years ago

Hey, I currently have my config.xml set up as so to try and use Rackspace Cloudfiles:

brightlemon *** kinetick

But when I run arbitrator all I see is this: /var/fileconveyor/filter.py:10: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated from sets import Set, ImmutableSet 2011-03-10 13:47:03,703 - Arbitrator - WARNING - Arbitrator is initializing. 2011-03-10 13:47:03,707 - Arbitrator - WARNING - Loaded config file. 2011-03-10 13:47:04,650 - Arbitrator - ERROR - Could not start transporter 'mosso'. Error: 'Authentication failed'. 2011-03-10 13:47:04,650 - Arbitrator - ERROR - Server connection tests: could not connect with 1 servers. <class 'main.ServerConnectionTestError'> Consult the log file for details.

I've checked the username and password and they're definitely correct. I tried changing the auth url in consts.py in the cloudfiles lirbary to the url suggested for the UK cloudfiles servers. I've tried updating the cloudfiles library to the latest version. Nothing seems to work. Is there some crucial step which I'm missing?

wimleers commented 13 years ago

I have no experience Rackspace CloudFiles, so I'm afraid I can't help you further. You can try contacting vacilando — IIRC, he was the original person requesting this feature and using this.

ghost commented 13 years ago

you should not use a password. Get your API key at rackspaces' management panel. Use your username and the API key.

In the example (I had to put extra spaces after the '<' signs to show them on this post) replace the strings any_name, your_username, your_big_API_key, container_name

  < servers>
    < server name="any_name" transporter="mosso" >
      < username>your_username
      < api_key>your_big_API_key
      < container>container_name
datr commented 13 years ago

Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies. I meant to reply to this sooner myself. The issue seemed to be the server name or source name I chose. It was preventing a file from being included. Sorry, that's very vague I know but I solved this a few weeks ago and I'm having trouble recalling the specifics. If I find some time at the weekend I'll try and recreate the issue but for now I'll close the ticket.

Cheers, Dean