wimleers / fileconveyor

File Conveyor is a daemon written in Python to detect, process and sync files. In particular, it's designed to sync files to CDNs. Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files, as well as any Origin Pull or (S)FTP Push CDN, are supported. Originally written for my bachelor thesis at Hasselt University in Belgium.
The Unlicense
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Improve documentation: step-by-step File Conveyor installation tutorial #58

Open rupeshjagtap opened 13 years ago

rupeshjagtap commented 13 years ago

Hi wim,

Thanx for very nice cdn implementation project. I m a PHP developer and want to implement drupal 7 CDN module with FTP push method. I have gone through all your readme, install and api files, but i did not get much about installation process.

Will you please give me step by step brief of installation of fileconveyor with drupal 7 CDN module for ubuntu, specially in terms of where to keep unzipped or untar file and how run the daemon as I don't know python.