wimleers / fileconveyor

File Conveyor is a daemon written in Python to detect, process and sync files. In particular, it's designed to sync files to CDNs. Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files, as well as any Origin Pull or (S)FTP Push CDN, are supported. Originally written for my bachelor thesis at Hasselt University in Belgium.
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Improved CSS engine for fileconveyor! = Status / Update query #65

Open peterbowey opened 13 years ago

peterbowey commented 13 years ago

Improved CSS engine for fileconveyor! Current Python CSS engine has known poor handling of CSS image references. See http://drupal.org/node/1193350#comment-4624496

peterbowey commented 13 years ago

Does this code link shed any light:->


Surely there is 'something better' than the current http://code.google.com/p/cssutils/

wimleers commented 13 years ago

Similar issues #33 & #45 merged into this one, since this one contains the most useful information.

peterbowey commented 13 years ago

When the time comes that I know python 'better', I would task this project to a better state for the current 'dreaded' CSS engine!

For the time I have migrated my CDN Asset methods to another CMS project base.

In fact the 'failure' of fileconveyor to deal with CSS image references helped me to drop most of my interest in Drupal and several other CMS based concepts with poor / limited CDN asset management.

This CDN asset management is all so easy to do with static HTML and PHP - but NOT with 'current other party CMS'.

I have lost interest in more than dozens of popular CMS systems because of such poor CDN support!

Certainly not your fault Wim. I would have happily moved to full Django if it had good CDN support, but it does not [yet]. Rails appears to be the only serious contender with good CDN support [duh]?

For the moment I am trying and coding with 'Contao' => ex CMS 'TypoLight'. But again I have 'not yet' fully proven the CDN support! If this 'fails', I am going back to my well trod / proven static html php methods - it's dam easy when you have full control .. :o)

Stupid CMS designers have a need for the long view, fancy leaving CDN methods so low in priority!

wimleers commented 13 years ago

It's sad to hear that you abandoned Drupal and many other CMSes because of this. However, I definitely understand that this is a hard requirement for you.

However, note that the CSS URL rewriting is NOT necessary, unless you're using

  1. absolute paths in your CSS (which is a bad practice anyway)
  2. your site is running at a subdirectory, e.g. http://example.com/yoursite, which is actually quite rare

Finally, if you don't need fancy image optimization and so on, you can just use the Drupal CDN module (http://drupal.org/project/cdn) in basic mode (i.e. with an Origin Pull CDN such as Amazon CloudFront's custom origins support): install it, enable it, fill in your CDN URL, and off you go. Nothing else needs to be configured!