Closed wimmichiels76 closed 4 years ago
This is me.
An analysis is the result of the OD in QGIS + applied to routeplanner for profiles "bike fast", "bike regular" and "car".
result = 15 geopackages
bike fast 'asis' bike regular 'asis' car 'asis' car---switchto--->bike fast car---switchto--->bike regular
Landen Tienen Sint-Truiden
<5km = 90% <20km = 50% <30km = 25%
"Y015_present_11_03_2020" Qgis project file including 15 requested layers was created and can be found at: ...\ANYWAYS Dropbox\projects\Y015-getedorpen\Qgis\
use the FOD data to analyse the existing situation on home-work trips in QGIS and excel