win32ss / supermium

Chromium fork for Windows XP/2003 and up
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Invidious (youtube privacy frontends) videos sometimes stop playback without user intervention. #661

Open Sergiaws opened 2 weeks ago

Sergiaws commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Sometimes, whenever you try to play a youtube video through an invidious instance, the playback is stoped by the browser. It usually happens when the time remaining is low. It seems that it might affect long videos more frecquently. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to any invidious instance, such as or
  2. Search a long video (typically more than 10 minutes), click on it.
  3. play and keep it playing or go forward with the player controls.
  4. See error. Sometimes it even might throw an error regarding playback, but that might not happen all the time.

Expected behavior The video playback should work properly. Or the browser should keep downloading it if it's not fully downloaded. Whenever the page is updated with f5, the video seems to play normally. That behaviour seems to happen only with the latest release of Supermium, on older releases there weren't such problems with video playback.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context I usually use a screen reader (NVDA), but I doubt that it might affect the issue.

win32ss commented 2 weeks ago

Does this also happen with previous Supermium releases? There have been some problems with many invidious instances within the past week.

Sergiaws commented 2 weeks ago

It seems to affect just the latest release of supermium. I never encontered this issue.