win4r / AISuperDomain

Aila(AI超元域): The premier AI integration tool for Windows, macOS, and Android. Ask once, get answers from 10+ AIs like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude3, Copilot, Poe, perplexity and more. Features customizable AI and prompts.
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一些bug和小功能建议 #16

Closed qweqwsxz closed 3 months ago

qweqwsxz commented 3 months ago

系统win11 重复步骤 切换config和home几次后 -跳转config偶尔会全白 image

-同时主输入框会消失 image


win4r commented 3 months ago



qweqwsxz commented 3 months ago

顺便问下,文档里You can refer to the steps and methods I used to ask ChatGPT, as shared in the link to our conversation. This step is based on the input box of POE AI, allowing ChatGPT to provide a correct and usable script. 这个link我试了发现无法找到会话。是用了gpt4我没有权限还是会话已经过期了? 请问可以上传一下问chatgpt生成相关json的prompt吗,我自定义的效果还差一点