wincent / loupe

🔍 Enhanced in-file search for Vim
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Feature Request: auto nohl on cursor move. #19

Open ZacharyRizer opened 3 years ago

ZacharyRizer commented 3 years ago

Was curious if implementing something similar to vim-slash and is.vim in regards to automatically calling :nohl after you move your cursor after n or N. I appreciate the mapping to be able to call :nohl, but I get tired of having to do that all the time.

miallo commented 3 years ago

I just took a look at the code of vim-slash and I came up with

augroup Loupe
   " autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * set nohlsearch | autocmd! Loupe
   autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * :execute "normal \<Plug>(LoupeClearHighlight)"
augroup END

But this doesn't quite work. Or rather: it works a bit too good: since n moves the cursor, it removes the highlighting everywhere while searching.

A comment in is.vim specifically says

Make sure move cursor by search related action after calling this function because the first move event just set nested autocmd which does :nohlsearch

so they do this

Maybe someone else has an idea on how to improve this

davidsu commented 3 years ago

I'm trying this out and have a similar feeling. I coded something like this

function _G.coh()
  if vim.o.hlsearch then
vim.cmd('autocmd OptionSet hlsearch call v:lua.coh()')

@miallo this is neovim's lua, it's mostly the same in viml. Feels hacky though, calling loupe#private..., Is there any chance to get this into the plugin instead?

miallo commented 3 years ago

@davidsu Can't you "type" <Plug>(LoupeClearHighlight)? This will call that function for you without that hack.

At some point I wanted to take a look at lua, but so far my neovim-config is all vimscript...