windawijayasari / Thesis-Discussion

Thesis process documentation
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First presentation in Independent Research Class #3

Open windawijayasari opened 2 years ago

windawijayasari commented 2 years ago

Dear Dr. Dudung, I am sorry for my absence for these last 2 weeks.

Yesterday, I presented the idea about the thesis topic about ABM in Citarik river at Independent research class. Here I attached the PowerPoint.



From the discussion at the class, the data from DEMNAS that only contains land elevation can be hard to validate in the model. The output from the research may be policy advice.

But, I am still not sure. Then I found this paper about land cover change.


The data about land cover change can get from and simulated using ArcGIS pro classification following steps in this video

With ABM we can try to get the rate of change. Since river revitalization will lead to an increase the land use.

Even though, I am still open to the possibility to change the case and topic. Since I get confused because of my lack of knowledge and experience.

dudung commented 2 years ago

I would be helpful for me if you can make a short presentation about what you have found. How about Friday morning around 0800? It will be still tentative, since I have undecided meeting in Thursday or Friday. I will let you know soon.