Closed 303055 closed 11 months ago
I think that I am running a later version of Smoothieware (the CNC build) which seems to work ok
**** Connected to ttyACM1 @ 115200 baud ****
>>> version
Build version: edge-9fac8fc, Build date: Mar 21 2023 10:24:49, MCU: LPC1768, System Clock: 100MHz
CNC Build 3 axis
NOTICE: This MCU is deprecated, and cannot guarantee proper function
Build version: edge-9fac8fc, Build date: Mar 21 2023 10:24:49, MCU: LPC1768, System Clock: 100MHz
>>> $G
[GC:G1 G54 G17 G21 G91 G94 M0 M5 M9 T0 F1000.0 S0.0000]
Forgot to mention that I am running this on a Smoothieboard
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Hardware / Firmware
What happened
HI, smothieware on MKS Sbase don't work whith MAcOs , i try on Arduino IDE /dev/c.usbmodem14401 and if I write G1 X10 the X axe move.
When I connect with UGS the terminal returns me this:
`Smoothie Build version: edge-1a9c1b2, Build date: Oct 16 2018 17:28:56, MCU: LPC1768, System Clock: 100MHz
When I try commands the motors do not move.
is there specific firmware to put in the MKS sbase ?
thank you Julien
How to reproduce
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Operating System
MacOS Monterey V12.7.1
Anything else
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