Closed Bosque00 closed 7 years ago
Try only using UGS and the stop button or $X
This works using the UGS and $X.
This works using the UGS and $X.
The same happens to me in the platform. If limit switch is detected I need to disconnect the UGS platform and re-connect
Start Grbl Start UGSplatform Home system Use jog controller to move any axis past a soft limit. Attempt to issue a soft reset command Workaround - Disconnect the serial port and reconnect it. Position is lost.
Same thing here. You don't even have to physically move the axis, just give a g code command that exceeds the soft limit.
Was there ever a resolution to this?
I have not used UGSplatform since finding this issue as the feature works better in UGS. I will have to try the latest version.
I haven't worked on this issue yet. I recently wire a button to my test arduino so at least I can finally simulate some of these homing/limit scenarios.
@winder it seems to be isolated to platform. Hopefully it gets worked out.
I am not sure if this is the best place to comment on this, but I am having a similar issue. After hitting a hard reset (running into a physical limit switch), I have to disconnect and reconnect the serial port in order to reset the arduino firmware. However, about 25% of time, the "Jog Controller" functions do not re-activate. Even after homing or issuing $X, they are still grayed-out, and I have to quit and re-launch. I am using the platform version on OSX.
Thanks everyone for bearing with me. This issue is finally resolved.
You sir, are the man.
Summary: When soft limits are reached the UGSplatform disables all buttons in "Common Actions" not allowing a user to conduct a soft reset of Grbl. Currently disconnecting and reconnecting serial port to reset Grbl. This looses the current position.
Shapoko 3 Software: Grbl 0.9g Java: 1.8.0_51; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 25.51-b03 Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_51-b16 ugsplatform.exe 1/1/2017 System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US (serverlaunch) Steps to create error:
Start Grbl Start UGSplatform Home system Use jog controller to move any axis past a soft limit. Attempt to issue a soft reset command Workaround - Disconnect the serial port and reconnect it. Position is lost.