windkh / node-red-contrib-telegrambot

Telegram bot nodes for node-red.
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Send audio with title and other options #246

Closed moshed closed 2 years ago

moshed commented 2 years ago

I am trying to send audio with a custom title preformer and thumb and im having no luck. the message sends fine but the title and other things aren't customized.

msg = {
  payload: {
      type: 'audio',
      content: msg.payload.preview_url + '.mp3',
      chatId: msg.chat_id,
      caption: '*Song Transfer*\nplease choose a service below',
      options = {
          title: 'test1',
          performer: 'test2',
          thumb: msg.payload.album.images[2].url + '.jpg',
          disable_notification: true,
          parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2',
          reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id
          reply_markup: [redacted for brevity]
windkh commented 2 years ago Caption must be passed in options

moshed commented 2 years ago

@windkh It seems to work even when not inside options but I have moved it into options and it doesnt seem to affect sending title, performer and thumb

options = {
        performer: 'test2',
        thumb: msg.payload.album.images[2].url + '.jpg',
        disable_notification: true,
        parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2',
        reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
        caption: '*Song Transfer*\nplease choose a service below',
        reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
            "inline_keyboard": [
                        "text": "Spotify",
                        "callback_data": "spotify"            
                        "text": "Apple Music",
                        "callback_data": "appleMusic"            
                        "text": "YouTube",
                        "callback_data": "youtube"            
                        "text": "Amazon Music",
                        "callback_data": "amazonMusic"            
                        "text": "Deezer",
                        "callback_data": "deezer"            
                        "text": "Tidal",
                        "callback_data": "tidal"            
                        "text": "Napster",
                        "callback_data": "napster"            
                        "text": "Pandora",
                        "callback_data": "pandora"            
                        "text": "Soundcloud",
                        "callback_data": "soundcloud"            

                        "text": "YouTube Music",
                        "callback_data": "youtubeMusic"            
                        "text": "Amazon Store",
                        "callback_data": "amazonStore"            
                        "text": "iTunes",
                        "callback_data": "itunes"            
    if (msg.payload.preview_url !== null) {
        msg = {
            payload: {
                type: 'audio',
                content: msg.payload.preview_url + '.mp3',
                chatId: msg.chat_id,
            url: '' + link + '&key=[redacted]',
windkh commented 2 years ago

You should set the options in payload:

payload: { type: 'audio', content: msg.payload.preview_url + '.mp3', chatId: msg.chat_id, options : options

moshed commented 2 years ago

@windkh (not sure if you get notified if something is closed so im tagging you) setting that seems to have no effect. the other options work (like the inline keyboard) but the audio options seem to be not working.

if (msg.payload.preview_url !== null) {
    msg = {
        payload: {
            type: 'audio',
            content: msg.payload.preview_url + '.mp3',
            chatId: msg.chat_id,
            options : options
        url: '' + link + '&[redacted]',
moshed commented 2 years ago

@windkh can you reopen this? im not sure its resolved

windkh commented 2 years ago

I made a quick check and the result looks like: image

The code is here image

So the only thing which does not work here is the thumb: I guess my image does not meet the requirements

moshed commented 2 years ago

I tried with below code and still got same thing, then i mirrored the way you did it exactly in case there was some weird bug (I added the chatID since your code seemed to be missing) both snippets pasted below

msg = {
    payload: {
        type: 'audio',
        content: '',
        chatId: -635631974,
        options : {
            title: 'test1',
            performer: 'test2',
            thumb: '',
            disable_notification: true,
            parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2',
            caption: 'Caption'
return msg
msg.payload = {}

let audio = ''
let options = {
    title: 'test1',
    performer: 'test2',
    disable_notification: true,
    parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2',
    caption: 'Caption',
msg.payload.type = 'audio';
msg.payload.content = audio;
msg.payload.options = options;
msg.payload.chatId = -635631974;

return msg

edit: attached below is the output of my sender node

  "payload": {
    "type": "audio",
    "content": {
      "message_id": 4877,
      "from": {
        "id": 5075525057,
        "is_bot": true,
        "first_name": "Song Transfer",
        "username": "songtransferbot"
      "chat": {
        "id": -635631974,
        "title": "Song Transfer Test",
        "type": "group",
        "all_members_are_administrators": true
      "date": 1652929487,
      "audio": {
        "duration": 29,
        "file_name": "c3d5cf3ff922ca2e2cb6f27c60ff88ba47580a59.mp3",
        "mime_type": "audio/mpeg",
        "file_id": "CQACAgQAAxkDAAITDWKFs8-7UXgiQh_hQ3L2x3Ce9dS7AAJvAwACF0skULmhb17nKNfcJAQ",
        "file_unique_id": "AgADbwMAAhdLJFA",
        "file_size": 361921
      "caption": "Caption"
    "chatId": -635631974,
    "options": {
      "title": "test1",
      "performer": "test2",
      "thumb": "",
      "disable_notification": true,
      "parse_mode": "MarkdownV2",
      "caption": "Caption",
      "chat_id": -635631974,
      "audio": ""
    "sentMessageId": 4877
  "_msgid": "133a91dfd8ec582b"
windkh commented 2 years ago

The chatId came from a receiver node in my example. What client do you use? I guess it depends on the capabilities of the client.

moshed commented 2 years ago

Telegram macOS 8.7.1, macOS 12.3 and Telegram iOS 8.7.2, iOS 15.4.1

I have discovered something weird though. When I use a different audio link the title and performer come out correct as song and performer but not to what I set it to (I set it to test1 and test2 but the actually correct "like a prayer - madonna" is output)

msg = {
    payload: {
        type: 'audio',
        content: '',
        chatId: -635631974,
        options : {
            title: 'test1',
            performer: 'test2',
            thumb: '',
            disable_notification: true,
            parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2',
            caption: 'Caption'
return msg

exported flow here

[{"id":"7d8673afd577061e","type":"function","z":"f5ea9811929d9baa","name":"","func":"msg = {\n    payload: {\n        type: 'audio',\n        content: '',\n        chatId: -635631974,\n        options : {\n            title: 'test1',\n            performer: 'test2',\n            thumb: '',\n            disable_notification: true,\n            parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2',\n            caption: 'Caption'\n        }\n    }\n}\nreturn msg","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":640,"y":220,"wires":[["63028c7dacff0446"]]}]