windwp / nvim-ts-autotag

Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag
MIT License
1.54k stars 85 forks source link

Major Fork Merge (including upstream breakages and unmerged PRs) #173

Closed PriceHiller closed 2 months ago

PriceHiller commented 2 months ago

Hello, on the recommendation of @folke (, I've opened a PR to track against my fork.

I'm opening this PR including all of my changes on my fork I've begun maintaining until you (@windwp ) are back.

This should serve as a diff between the two and once you are back you can review and merge.

If this is too large (which it likely is), please ping me and I can see about chunking my fork up and doing smaller PRs to you so its reviewable.

At the time of writing my fork does the following:

And undoubtedly more as time goes on.

Thanks for the plugin, and looking forward to eventually having you back 🙂

windwp commented 2 months ago

i still use this plugin so i will keep maintain it. i haven't updated my neovim configuration recently, it might not be up-to-date with the latest Tree-sitter changes

PriceHiller commented 2 months ago

hi i still use this plugin so i will keep maintain it.

That's great to hear 🙂!

I've made some significant changes on my fork. Would you like me to start breaking up my fork into smaller PRs for individual review?

You may want to take a look at my fork and decide what you definitely don't want, like the new setup method.

folke commented 2 months ago

@windwp just to be clear, nvim-ts-autotag doesn't break right now with the latest Neovim nightly/stable and the latest nvim-treesitter.

There is however a big nvim-treesitter rewrite under way and initially that was planned to be released together with Neovim 0.10, but has currently been postponed to Neovim 0.11. (See also @clason)

Either way, it's still a good idea to remove the nvim-treesitter dependency, since Neovim has all the required functionality since 0.9.x and this way nvim-ts-autotag wouldn't break once the rewrite gets released.

clason commented 2 months ago

Indeed; you can look at nvim-treesitter-context (and nvim-treesitter-textobjects on the main branch) to see how you can structure your plugin without relying on (deprecated!) nvim-treesitter-module.

folke commented 2 months ago

It seems my PR got merged, so all good now :)

windwp commented 2 months ago

hi @PriceHiller i just check that PR and it fix some issue with embed template on ruby and allow user can customize template . so i will merge it . What is the selfhosted CI nix-runner? Can you keep my test runner and i will merge. Thank you

PriceHiller commented 2 months ago

I changed the CI over to mine because I got frustrated when debugging a CI issue 😅

When I get time later I'll restore the previous CI runner and ping you

PriceHiller commented 2 months ago

@windwp this should be ready to go now.

You may want to run the CI for this prior to merging -- tests pass on my fork:

PriceHiller commented 2 months ago

Another thing worth review is the deprecation notices I've placed at 1.0.0. I started following Semantic(ish) Versioning on my fork. I intended to fully remove some features when I did the first 1.0.0 release.

I can modify those deprecations messages or do something with 'em if you'd like. Just let me know.

PriceHiller commented 2 months ago

REMINDER TO SELF: Once this gets merged/chunked then merged add an additional commit warning new downstream users to come back to the main repo -- staying on my fork shouldn't be necessary once this is merged.

Also -- delete/strikeout many of my "come try the fork messages" as they will no longer be accurate and lead folks away from an active repo. Not a good thing.

windwp commented 2 months ago

i merge it, thank

PriceHiller commented 2 months ago

Cool, I'll update my fork to point users to go back over here.

As a note, my fork was intended in good-faith in case that wasn't clear. I figured you were burnt-out, didn't have enough time, or something else -- after all, it's a free project.

I accepted the invite you sent for collaboration, I'm happy to assist with maintenance. It may be a good idea to ping me with what type of stuff you'd be ok with me merging; I don't want to incorporate changes that are undesired as it's your project first and foremost.

Please ping me if there's anything I do that you want rolled back :smile:.