windytan / redsea

Command-line FM-RDS decoder with JSON output.
MIT License
390 stars 36 forks source link

Other ODA than RT+ and TMC #72

Closed andimik closed 3 weeks ago

andimik commented 4 years ago


This is a PR from

A list of all valid ODAs is at

andimik commented 4 years ago

I found two files from Sweden (recorded through Airspy Server last year) with "Warning receiver" thanks to egrep -rni -e "ODA" *.txt


ODA 1:   AID        = 6A7A
         Proportion = 0,2 %  (1/492)
         App. Group = 12A


andimik commented 4 years ago

Assuming that the ODA code is the last block in each line of rdsspy recordings, I used egrep -rni -e "CB73|4C59|CC21|1DC2|4AA1|0093|1BDA|0F87|0E2C|1D47|4BA2|E5D7|0C24|CD9E|4AB7|1CB1|4D9A|E319|0E31|CB97|E440|4D95|1E8F|0D8B|E4A6|1C5E|0BCB|CE6B|1DC5|4D87|0D45|CD47|0CC1|1C68|7373|5757|6552|125F|50DD|6363|6365|6A7A|A911|4400|A112|C563|C3A1|E911|E1C1|E411|E123|C350|C4D4|C3C3|C3B0|C737|C3A1|C549|C6A7" to checked all the spyfiles in for ODA other than RT+ and TMC.

RDS2 ODA (hex 6365)

Czech Republic/2337 - 2019-05-04 16-26-20.spy:55:2337 2728 6C61 6365 @2019/05/04 16:26:24.32
Czech Republic/2337 - 2019-05-04 16-26-20.spy:119:2337 2728 6C61 6365 @2019/05/04 16:26:29.95


Germany/D312 - 2019-05-04 15-21-32.spy:434:D312 20F6 7669 6365 @2019/05/04 15:22:09.64
Germany/D312 - 2019-05-04 15-21-32.spy:530:D312 20F6 7669 6365 @2019/05/04 15:22:18.04


Germany/D6F1 - 2019-05-04 15-08-15.spy:30:D6F1 2402 7669 6365 @2019/05/04 15:08:17.48
Germany/D6F1 - 2019-05-04 15-08-15.spy:53:D6F1 2402 7669 6365 @2019/05/04 15:08:19.48


Poland/3F44 - 2017-08-13 00-14-01 PL LODZ RMF.rds:631:3F44 054A 3C72 6365 @2017/08/13 00:14:58.197
Poland/3F44 - 2017-08-13 00-14-01 PL LODZ RMF.rds:643:3F44 054A 233C 6365 @2017/08/13 00:14:59.269

Warning receiver (hex 6A7A)

France/F201 - 2018-01-02 19-10-59.spy:1032:F201 8408 47EC 6A7A @2018/01/02 19:12:21.68
France/F201 - 2018-01-02 19-10-59.spy:1036:F201 8408 47EC 6A7A @2018/01/02 19:12:22.03


UK/C36C - 2015-09-27 23-29-22 UK NRW HEART.rds:91:C36C 8548 0883 1C5E @2015/09/27 23:29:33.456
UK/C36C - 2015-09-27 23-29-22 UK NRW HEART.rds:97:C36C 8548 0883 1C5E @2015/09/27 23:29:33.984

Cross referencing DAB within RDS (hex 0093)

UK/C204 - 2015-09-27 23-35-46 UK NRW BBC4.rds:9336:C204 3138 0000 0093 @2015/09/27 23:49:23.896
UK/C204 - 2015-09-27 23-35-46 UK NRW BBC4.rds:10028:C204 3138 0000 0093 @2015/09/27 23:50:24

ELECTRABEL-DSM 12 (hex E319)

Russia/7205 - 2019-05-04 01-18-20.spy:1305:7205 852D 1323 E319 @2019/05/04 01:20:14.64
Russia/7205 - 2019-05-04 01-18-20.spy:1309:7205 852D 1323 E319 @2019/05/04 01:20:14.98

Personal weather station (hex 5757)

Russia/7AA1 - 2019-05-04 01-27-45.spy:174:7AA1 01C8 E0CD 5757 @2019/05/04 01:28:00.41
Russia/7AA1 - 2019-05-04 01-27-45.spy:181:7AA1 01C8 E0CD 5757 @2019/05/04 01:28:01.01

Enhanced early warning system (hex 7373)

Russia/7261 - 2019-05-04 01-16-40.spy:11:7261 2520 5261 7373 @2019/05/04 01:16:37.69
Russia/7261 - 2019-05-04 01-16-40.spy:39:7261 2520 5261 7373 @2019/05/04 01:16:40.16


USA/7DC9 - 2019-05-04 21-51-15.spy:7:7DC9 34F8 005E 7373 @2019/05/04 21:51:13.99
USA/7DC9 - 2019-05-04 21-51-15.spy:14:7DC9 34F8 0096 7373 @2019/05/04 21:51:14.62


USA/7DC9 - 2019-05-04 00-02-34.spy:8:7DC9 34F8 00D3 7373 @2019/05/04 00:02:24.75
USA/7DC9 - 2019-05-04 00-02-34.spy:15:7DC9 34F8 005E 7373 @2019/05/04 00:02:25.35


Germany/D395 - 2019-05-05 09-46-23.spy:34:D395 2105 7769 7373 @2019/05/05 09:46:22.37
Germany/D395 - 2019-05-05 09-46-23.spy:790:D395 2105 7769 7373 @2019/05/05 09:47:28.59


Germany/D314 - 2017-04-04 23-05-24 DE MUC BR-KLASS.rds:38329:D314 21D7 6C61 7373 @2017/04/05 00:01:23.460
Germany/D314 - 2017-04-04 23-05-24 DE MUC BR-KLASS.rds:38421:D314 21D7 6C61 7373 @2017/04/05 00:01:31.524


Germany/D6F1 - 2019-05-04 15-08-15.spy:86:D6F1 2410 4B69 7373 @2019/05/04 15:08:22.39
Germany/D6F1 - 2019-05-04 15-08-15.spy:91:D6F1 2412 6B69 7373 @2019/05/04 15:08:22.82


Switzerland/43E1 - 2019-05-04 19-58-15.spy:238:43E1 2520 4A6F 7373 @2019/05/04 19:58:36.23
Switzerland/43E1 - 2019-05-04 19-58-15.spy:283:43E1 2520 4A6F 7373 @2019/05/04 19:58:40.15

iTunes (hex C3B0)

USA/5CBC - 2019-05-04 00-10-45.spy:103:5CBC 3436 A05C C3B0 @2019/05/04 00:10:53.63
USA/5CBC - 2019-05-04 00-10-45.spy:159:5CBC 3436 A05C C3B0 @2019/05/04 00:10:58.54


USA/8FC4 - 2019-05-04 21-55-19.spy:27:8FC4 3556 A08F C3B0 @2019/05/04 21:55:11.03
USA/8FC4 - 2019-05-04 21-55-19.spy:75:8FC4 3556 A08F C3B0 @2019/05/04 21:55:15.25

and (see PR)

USA/4569 - 2020-08-19 20-45-06.spy:8:4569 30D6 A045 C3B0 @2020/08/19 20:45:05.70
USA/4569 - 2020-08-19 20-45-06.spy:51:4569 ---- A045 C3B0 @2020/08/19 20:45:09.39

RDS-Light (hex 4400)

Finland/6403 - 2018-09-05 15-15-59 FI HE YLESUOMI.rds:65:6403 8440 182B 4400 @6884
Finland/6403 - 2018-09-05 15-15-59 FI HE YLESUOMI.rds:264:6403 8440 182B 4400 @7580

CITIBUS 2 (hex 4C59)

Germany/D52F - 2018-11-01 14-28-26 DE BER SPREE.rds:5024:D52F 254A 494C 4C59 @2018/11/01 14:38:52.461
Germany/D52F - 2018-11-01 14-28-26 DE BER SPREE.rds:5061:D52F 254A 494C 4C59 @2018/11/01 14:38:55.693
windytan commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! That looks like a very useful repo. I think I'll have Redsea print out the raw ODA data in case the application is not supported, since some of these are unpublished.

windytan commented 4 years ago

Running all of these logs through redsea it seems that there are actual ODA groups for only iTunes tagging (USA PI codes 0x8FC4 and 0x4569) and DAB cross-referencing (UK PI codes 0xC204 and 0xC202). The rest are probably spurious errors or otherwise coincidental, but I'll leave the issue open in case there's more info about the iTunes protocol.

windytan commented 4 years ago

I was wrong, there are more ODAs! These ones have 3A groups:

10107     "app_name": "RDS-TMC: ALERT-C",
  853     "app_name": "RadioText+ (RT+)",
  399     "app_name": "Enhanced early warning system",
   55     "app_name": "iTunes Tagging",
   20     "app_name": "Cross referencing DAB within RDS",
   12     "app_name": "Warning receiver",

andimik, your contribution motivated quite a lot of new things that are now supported, is it OK to mention you in the changelog? You don't have to, of course.

andimik commented 4 years ago

Sure, you can mention my name Andreas Mikula

andimik commented 4 years ago

The rest are probably spurious errors or otherwise coincidental

Not, not all of them are errors ;)

On the Swedish programs like S4 for Stockholm Warning receiver (hex 6A7A) is broadcast each minute twice.

17:07:01; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:07:01; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:08:01; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:09:01; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:09:01; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:10:00; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:10:01; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:11:00; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000 17:11:01; 6A7A 12A 01000000 00000000

andimik commented 1 year ago

I found a list of most common ODAs also in the manual of a professional RDS encoder seller:

Page 22 on

andimik commented 6 months ago

There is a Finnish program using

RadioText Plus / RT+ for eRT (dec 9416, hex 0x4BD8)

Enhanced RadioText / eRT (dec 25938, hex 0x6552)

$ cat Downloads/rds2-mpx-6255.wav | redsea -r 192k | grep oda | sort | uniq
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"app_name":"Enhanced RadioText (eRT)","raw_data":"00 4AC3 A472"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"app_name":"Enhanced RadioText (eRT)","raw_data":"01 7669 7261"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"app_name":"Enhanced RadioText (eRT)","raw_data":"02 6469 6F20"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"app_name":"Enhanced RadioText (eRT)","raw_data":"03 5244 5332"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"app_name":"Enhanced RadioText (eRT)","raw_data":"04 2045 5254"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"app_name":"Enhanced RadioText (eRT)","raw_data":"05 0D0D 0D0D"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"00 4AC3 A472"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"01 7669 7261"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"02 6469 6F20"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"12A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"03 5244 5332"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"15A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"00 4AC3 A452"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"15A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"01 5649 5241"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"15A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"02 4449 4F0D"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"15A","prog_type":"Varied","tp":true,"unknown_oda":{"raw_data":"03 0D0D 0D0D"}}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"3A","debug":["TODO: Unimplemented ODA app 19416"],"open_data_app":{"app_name":"RadioText Plus / RT+for eRT","message":0,"oda_group":"13A"},"prog_type":"Varied","tp":true}
{"pi":"0x6255","group":"3A","debug":["TODO: Unimplemented ODA app 25938"],"open_data_app":{"app_name":"Enhanced RadioText (eRT)","message":1,"oda_group":"12A"},"prog_type":"Varied","tp":true}


windytan commented 3 weeks ago

Let's see what we still have remaining:

(for f in rds-spy-logs/* rds-spy-logs/**/*; do redsea --input hex < $f; done) | grep "Unimplemented ODA"|sed 's/.*\("pi":"0x...."\).*\(ODA app ....\)".*/\1 \2/'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn|grep -v "^ \+1 "

It produces interesting list, which are all from logs dated 2019–2020:

PI Station name ODA ID Unknown ODA name ODA group # 3A groups
7DC9 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Z88.3 FM (WPOZ) 7373 Enhanced early warning system 12A 399
4569 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ KFOX (KUFX) C3B0 iTunes tagging 11A 22
5CBC πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ WDBO 96.5 C3B0 iTunes tagging 11A 21
EC24 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ SR P4 Stockholm 6A7A Warning receiver 12A 13
8FC4 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ WWKA C3B0 iTunes tagging 11A 12
E224 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ SR P4 6A7A Warning receiver 12A 10
F216 πŸ‡«πŸ‡· RMC 2020 – 14B 3
EC02 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ SR P2 1BC9 – 8A 2
E424 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ SR P4 Kristianstad 6A7A Warning receiver 12A 2
E132 πŸ‡·πŸ‡΄ Real FM 90.2 414C – 12A 2
E05F πŸ‡·πŸ‡΄ Virgin 100.2 FM 3130 – 15B 2

I believe 3130, 414C, 1BC9, 2020 are noise; they don't exist on my list.

Then we're left with C3B0 ("iTunes tagging") on three US stations, 6A7A ("Warning receiver") on three Swedish stations, 7373 ("Enhanced early warning system") on one US station. I would like to stay away from public safety features, until we can get some kind of third-party safety audit (not planned). This leaves us with iTunes tagging. I'll close this ticket and open up a new one (#116) for anyone wishing to reverse engineer it.