winedarksea / AutoTS

Automated Time Series Forecasting
MIT License
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FILLNA -> FFILL, BFILL, axis argument removal and addition of StringIO object #206

Closed pauljones0 closed 8 months ago

pauljones0 commented 8 months ago


Per the updates in Panadas 2.10, fillna should be replaced with ffill and bfill whenever possible:

And groupby no longer uses the axis argument

I also added a missing StringIO object around, per the warnings.

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These are very very minor changes, but I figured it would be best to start small, fix some of the warnings that pop-up when a user runs the example python script.

winedarksea commented 8 months ago

I appreciate the effort but I have already made these updates in the dev branch, it should be out in 0.6.2