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[com.leagueoflegends.Client] New fix found #114

Open ewaves opened 5 years ago

ewaves commented 5 years ago

Hi! A fix for league of legends is available at wineHQ. Is it possible to patch the flatpak or do we have to wait untill it gets to master?

ewaves commented 5 years ago

Wonderful, so now the flatpak just needs an updated wine right?

julianrichen commented 5 years ago

I tried a local build with 3.13.1 and it's crashing :/

zarathustra-f90 commented 5 years ago

I installed wine-staging (sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging) and verified that is the recognized version of wine (wine --version command outputs wine-3.13 (Staging)), however i still get the Unable to Connect to the Authentication Service error. I don't know if i should configure wine-staging in a special way or something else.

ewaves commented 5 years ago

I'm using this with the flatpak prefix and it works, I just had to winecfg and change to windows xp

zarathustra-f90 commented 5 years ago

@ewaves Could you please give instructions in detail (which command did you use to run the client)?

ewaves commented 5 years ago

Right now it works with the latest wine-staging, I compiled it and run

WINEPREFIX=~/.var/app/com.leagueoflegends.Client/data/wine/ winecfg # change the windows version to xp
WINEPREFIX=~/.var/app/com.leagueoflegends.Client/data/wine/ wine "C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/LeagueClient.exe"
zarathustra-f90 commented 5 years ago

@ewaves Thanks for your response! I executed the commands but the second one provides this error:

wine: cannot find L"C:\windows\system32\winemenubuilder.exe" 000b:err:wineboot:ProcessRunKeys Error running cmd L"C:\windows\system32\winemenubuilder.exe -a -r" (2)

I did a search about it but couldn't find a helpful answer. I hope it's not out of topic. However, the client runs but i face still the same error when i login: "Unable to Connect to the Authentication Service".

Thanks in advance!

ewaves commented 5 years ago

AFAIK winemenubuilder.exe is disabled on purpose, so honestly I'm thinking your problem is not wine related, did you try to change your connection? Are you behind a firewall? Try using a VPN.

zarathustra-f90 commented 5 years ago

@ewaves Thanks for your responses! I use Elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki and by default the firewall isn't activated, also since my ISP is in Greece I don't think there are any restrictions. However, I'll search more about this error and I'll post if any progress is made. Maybe it has to do with system permissions..

rafifos commented 5 years ago

There's still some work to be done on the wine side, and I think it's worth.

We can workaround most of the current issues by setting Windows version to XP, since the unimplemented functions are only called on Vista+ (NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformationEx) and NtQueryVirtualMemory(MemoryWorkingSetExInformation)).

But there's a issue with the Voice chat where it forces the Launcher UI to reload after joining a room, this can be solved by disabling auto-login on Voice Chat. I think it's worth mentioning them to the user in some way.

[EDIT] Mentioned issues are:

ewaves commented 5 years ago

Known bugs aside, to have a working winepak again we just need the latest wine-staging

only-su commented 5 years ago

for some reason I can't run

WINEPREFIX=~/.var/app/com.leagueoflegends.Client/data/wine/ winecfg

to change to XP, console says it doesn't recognize "winecfg" as a command

zarathustra-f90 commented 5 years ago

@SemnoSao If by don't recognize you mean that winecfg "command not found", then it probably has to do with wine installation. What's the output of command wine --version? You could try to reinstall wine-staging and run again winecfg.

only-su commented 5 years ago

so my console gives me

zsh: command not found: wine

but I think that's because I installed the game by flatpak winepak, doesn't it? I can open the game normally but I can't make correct the problem the way it's said here, is there any other way to do this?

zarathustra-f90 commented 5 years ago

@SemnoSao This means that wine isn't installed in your system. You can install wine-staging following these: sudo apt-add-repository '' sudo apt update sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging Then try to run again wine --version to be sure that the output is the latest wine-staging version and afterwards winecfg.

only-su commented 5 years ago

How it's not installed if I can open the winepak league of legends???

zarathustra-f90 commented 5 years ago

@SemnoSao I'm not sure that wine is installed alongside flatpak-winepak, but the fact that wine command isn't found means (as far as i am concerned) that wine isn't installed. In any case even if you had wine installed, you should install wine-staging in order to play LOL without errors.

ewaves commented 5 years ago

How it's not installed if I can open the winepak league of legends???

You should really read something about flatpaks and it will be clear to you why it's not installed. The point is that the flatpak wine is currently not updated, so you have to install an updated wine system wide and run your existing LoL installation with it.