winepak / applications

A collection of flatpak manifest for building Microsoft Windows applications with Wine via flatpak
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Extend README / add in depth tutorial howto create a winepak #130

Open alexanderadam opened 5 years ago

alexanderadam commented 5 years ago

Currently the README is very basic and probably not enough for someone who is new in the ecosystem.

I guess it would help to extend it or add another Markdown file that explains more about the how's, why's and issues that might appear on adding new applications.

WinePak has the potential to be a game changer for many people that makes the installation of Windows applications much easier and even nicely encapsulated within a container.

But your time is naturally limited and I guess it might be good to focus on good documentation which might encourage others to add support for more application by themselves.

Maybe a step by step tutorial for an example application and an explanation of the YAML keys might be a wonderful start.

And / or maybe providing a robust base template.

Or maybe, in the future, a wizard that helps adding new applications.

PS: Thank you so much for winepak!

ndarilek commented 5 years ago

Has any work been done on this, even if only in the form of blog posts? I've been scouring Google without much luck.

I'm a blind developer interested in packaging audio games in flatpaks. While some of these have full installers that would of course need automation, some are quite literally zip files that are unarchived and run (See this page as an example.) They generally have limited to no graphics, but they do need sound, as well as SAPI for text-to-speech. So some sort of "here's a base manifest, here's how to download an archive/run an installer, here are the most common extensions and what they'd do" document would be helpful.

And, for context, I'm familiar with building flatpaks. Flatpak's own docs are pretty solid, so you can probably send developers there for help with the basics. I'm just not clear on when I might need extensions, where winepak expects things to be installed (an unzipped archive, for instance), whether SAPI is even supported, etc. I'm looking through current app examples, but even a bare minimum manifest that I can start with and add onto until it works would be useful.

Barring that, even an IRC channel specific to winepak would be helpful.


alexanderadam commented 4 years ago

@ndarilek not as I'm aware of. I found an example in Spanish. I'm not quite sure how accessible a Google Translate variant of it is but maybe it could help?

EDIT: Here's another tutorial.

Saroufim commented 4 years ago

I am not entirely sure that winepak is still active. Development is very stale and issues are not being addressed.

alexanderadam commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure either. It seems that @julianrichen did something in April on the buildbot-config. I'm not quite sure whether he abandoned it or whether he is looking for others to participate.