winepak / applications

A collection of flatpak manifest for building Microsoft Windows applications with Wine via flatpak
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path of exile stalled at 25.36% 3.21Gb #148

Open RezoApio opened 5 years ago

RezoApio commented 5 years ago

I have checked disk space and cannot find any fs full. ~/.var/app/com.pathofexile.Client/data/wine/drive_c$ du -sh * 15M ProgramData 532K Program Files 28M Program Files (x86) 188K users 707M windows

~/.var/app/com.pathofexile.Client/data/wine/drive_c$ df -h . Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 916G 63G 808G 8% /home

cannot find any new file of 3.2Gb on my machine... Where is located the files once you run the commend flatpak run com.pathofexile.Client for the first time ?