winepak / applications

A collection of flatpak manifest for building Microsoft Windows applications with Wine via flatpak
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Is this project dead? #174

Open mrwm opened 4 years ago

mrwm commented 4 years ago

As the title says, is this project dead? The last update was almost two years ago and I don't see any progressions here.

lionirdeadman commented 4 years ago

From what I can tell, yes. Julian was taking a break because of work if my memory is correct and the project has died since.

Eoin-ONeill-Yokai commented 4 years ago

It's a shame, Flatpak and Wine still seems like a good solution for windows applications on linux.

lionirdeadman commented 4 years ago

I think personally that a Wine base image would make for better maintainability for Flatpak + Wine programs since building runtimes is much more intensive and there isn't a whole lot we'd want to realistically share between programs except wine.

Any program shipped this way would also be sub-par because wine needs mutability and we can't ship proprietary software already installed anyhow. So we'd have this situation where you install a package and then when you go to launch it, an installer for the program pops up which is.. less than ideal. We'd need a script for each program for both the install of its windows dependencies and the program itself and for a method to check if the program was already installed to just launch it.

Something like Lutris being flatpaked then makes more sense in that regard since they already have the scripts and community to maintain them.

Eoin-ONeill-Yokai commented 4 years ago

@lionirdeadman Interesting point about lutris in flatpak, that's something that I feel like could be good for gaming specific circumstances.

My only issue with lutris is that it's very gaming focused. That's fine in most cases, but it would be nice to have a no hassle installation for free non native programs or commercial programs with nice utility scripts for installation.

I think that concern is diminishing as more programs are seeing native linux support, with games being one of the last bastions.

lionirdeadman commented 4 years ago

I've talked to some of the Lutris people and they're totally open to letting space for non-games programs on there although, I don't think that'll ever be the focus unless a major rebranding is done to make it more apparent that you can do this.

btreut commented 3 years ago

see also #169 and #143

yajo commented 3 years ago

I wonder... would the @flathub team accept these apps?

After all... who cares they are based on wine or not? As long as they're reproducible, buildable and easily installable... :man_shrugging:

btreut commented 3 years ago

I wonder... would the @flathub team accept these apps?

which apps do you mean?

lionirdeadman commented 3 years ago

I wonder... would the @flathub team accept these apps?

After all... who cares they are based on wine or not? As long as they're reproducible, buildable and easily installable... man_shrugging

It's not viable. Winepak apps rely on a different runtimes which is 2years old now, it would be simpler to make a BaseApp for wine and package these apps that way.

btreut commented 3 years ago

make a BaseApp for wine and package these apps that way.

what is a BaseApp? Or should your question better be repphrased to:

Would it be possible to bundle Wine as a Runtime?