winepak / applications

A collection of flatpak manifest for building Microsoft Windows applications with Wine via flatpak
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[com.leagueoflegends.Client] EDIT: Game might work with some changes after 8.13 #54

Open rafifos opened 6 years ago

rafifos commented 6 years ago

So, RIOT has implemented a anti-cheat service in their game on PBE (the beta-test server), which breaks completely the compatibility with wine.

This changes will be live on 8.13.

rafifos commented 6 years ago

The backlash is real.

tim77 commented 6 years ago

Anti-Cheat developer answer:

For players using Wine, the community is already at work fixing incompatibilities with our changes. These changes were live on our Public Beta Environment for several months to give developers of third-party applications time to adapt. As a normal part of software development, especially with such comprehensive changes, there can be issues introduced with third party applications. We have not consciously prevented the use of Wine for playing the game, and we ask for your patience as the Wine community remedies any incompatibilities.

rafifos commented 6 years ago

Ohh, good to know.

benjaminsabatini commented 6 years ago

Hi, what's the usual timetable for a newer patched wine to be sent to the winepak repo? I have it running using my system wine version, but i'd much rather stick to the winepak setup.