wineslab / colosseum-scope

Source code for the paper L. Bonati, S. D'Oro, S. Basagni, and T. Melodia, "SCOPE: An Open and Softwarized Prototyping Platform for NextG Systems," in Proceedings of ACM MobiSys, June 2021.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Metrics.csv #8

Closed Adwi11 closed 1 week ago

Adwi11 commented 10 months ago

I have been running scope sole just to test, but there is no produced metrics.csv file at runtime. Do I need to run it which some testbed in order to create that metrics file ?

leonardobonati commented 10 months ago

No but you need to have users exchanging some type of traffic with the base station.

Adwi11 commented 10 months ago

Can I simulate that using scope alone? I don't see the param which enables that exchange in the set of its configurations.

leonardobonati commented 10 months ago

You would usually do that by running it on two different compute machines with software-defined radios connected to them. srsRAN should also let you use a simulation mode with zmq but I've never used it.

Adwi11 commented 10 months ago

Hi, so actually just to clarify. I am trying to deploy an xApp onto the colosseum-near-rt-ric NearRT RIC and connect it to colosseum Scope without using colosseum. So, can I do that on my machine using two different VMs one for near rt ric and one for scope and then to produce the metrics.csv. Thanks a lot for answering.

leonardobonati commented 10 months ago

You should be able to, provided that you set the IP addresses accordingly. About the metric generation, I've never used this in zmq mode but there is a debug mode to send fixed metrics from the BS to the xApp once the xApp subscribes to the BS. This might be helpful to verify connectivity.

Adwi11 commented 10 months ago

Okay, so I think it's better to use colosseum itself to use scope and for xApp development. Could we discuss the use and access of colosseum for the same and exactly which containers I should use for getting the metrics and then using it in xApp.

leonardobonati commented 10 months ago