winfsp / sshfs-win

SSHFS For Windows
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unable to mount directories outside of home directory #390

Open divinity76 opened 1 year ago

divinity76 commented 1 year ago

by default it mounts the home directory of my user (/root/), and if i specify an absolute path to mount, eg /dir it will try to mount the relative dir /root/dir not /dir , and if i try to mount /../dir it will say invalid directory or some such.. so yeah, I'm unable to mount dirs outside of the home directory. image

divinity76 commented 1 year ago

hmm, not able to with "Add Network Location", but net use works fine!

net use X: \\sshfs\root@ip\/

mounts the root dir, not the home dir :)

sALTaccount commented 11 months ago

This doesn't seem to be working for me, I just get

C:\Users\aloto>net use Y: \\sshfs\salt@\/
The password is invalid for \\sshfs\salt@\/.

Enter the user name for 'sshfs': salt
Enter the password for sshfs:
System error 67 has occurred.

The network name cannot be found.

but \\sshfs\salt@ is working fine in the Map Network Drive (minus the fact that i can't access my 32 tb raid array on /storage and can only access the 100gb boot drive at /home/salt)

sALTaccount commented 11 months ago

I get the same error when doing the thing that worked on Map Network Drive with net use

C:\Users\aloto>net use Y: \\sshfs\salt@\
The password is invalid for \\sshfs\salt@\.

Enter the user name for 'sshfs': salt
Enter the password for sshfs:
System error 67 has occurred.

The network name cannot be found.
sALTaccount commented 11 months ago

progress I guess? sshfs.r is for directories based from the root directory. not sure why it says I have no permission though, I can access the files fine on ssh and even tried chmod -R 777 on the whole directory just in case it was weird permissions stuff

C:\Users\aloto>net use X: \\sshfs.r\salt@[\storage\salt]
The password is invalid for \\sshfs.r\salt@[\storage\salt].

Enter the user name for 'sshfs.r': salt
Enter the password for sshfs.r:
System error 5 has occurred.

Access is denied.

Oh well, if anyone finds an answer just comment it I guess

sALTaccount commented 11 months ago

Figured out a scuffed solution:

Create a new user on the target SSH machine, then sudo usermod -d /new/home/path <new user>

This will set your home path to the directory you want to mount to, so when it mounts (defaulting to the users home path) you will be where you want to. You have to SSH in as the new user though