winft / wrapland

Qt/C++ library wrapping libwayland
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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More static code analysis in CI #62

Open romangg opened 4 years ago

romangg commented 4 years ago


Integration of clang-tools are separately tackled in #17. For code coverage tooling see #61.

romangg commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @erreur404 on Jun 14, 2020, 14:03

Code Climage cannot be used because of and cppcheck plugin is community suported clearly Code climate is clearly not designed for c++

romangg commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the info. That's good to know. Maybe we should then strive for making use of lgtm. Or are there other candidates?

romangg commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @erreur404 on Jun 14, 2020, 22:15

I know only coverity but i do not have the right to create project on the platform.

I have also searched how to use lgtm but i found nothing for add opensource project. Maybe we need to contact her by mail.

romangg commented 3 years ago

Coverity Scan has been setup now for KWinFT. Thanks @erreur404 for creating the project on this platform! I have now additionally setup a GitLab CI job in to do regular nightly scans. Seems to work fine. With landed we can check out tomorrow how the fixes affect the scan.

We can do something similar for Wrapland of course but I believe KWinFT was the most important project to start with.

Adding lgtm as a second service could be still a good idea. There is a help article about it working together with GitLab. One detail to note though is that the engine behind it was bought by Microsoft and that might indicate a focus on GitHub in the future. Still might work just fine on GitLab.

romangg commented 2 years ago

The above mentioned Gitlab integration with Code Climate/cppcheck is still something we aim for. But at the moment cppcheck segfaults with some of our code.

Backtrace provided by @tomenglund26:

tom@tom-nitro ~/dev/kwin/kwinft [git][kwinft/.][cleanupU]% cppcheck --enable=all input/control/device.cpp 
Checking input/control/device.cpp ...
input/control/config.h:28:29: performance: Function parameter 'key' should be passed by const reference. [passedByValue]
    config_data(std::string key,
input/control/config.h:45:11: style: Variable 'config' can be declared with const [constVariable]
    auto& config = device->config;
[1]    145244 segmentation fault (core dumped)  cppcheck --enable=all input/control/device.cpp

This issue has been apparently already reported upstream (no link available to bug report right now though).