winft / wrapland

Qt/C++ library wrapping libwayland
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
6 stars 2 forks source link

Support xdg-output v2 #71

Closed romangg closed 5 months ago

romangg commented 3 years ago

Adds name and description events: upstream patch

romangg commented 3 years ago

marked this issue as related to #72

romangg commented 3 years ago

marked this issue as related to #70

romangg commented 3 years ago

marked this issue as related to kwinft#66

romangg commented 3 years ago

We first should make sure our data for the description makes sense by resolving

romangg commented 3 years ago

mentioned in issue disman#10

romangg commented 3 years ago

mentioned in commit 21653fefbb176639d8622ffca4b0e759ed5e4f91