winglang / voting-app

MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

remove resources #1

Closed Chriscbr closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Terraform Plan

Show Plan ``` aws_api_gateway_stage.cloudApi_api_stage_BBB283E4: Refreshing state... [id=ags-q1n5thtrf1-prod] aws_lambda_permission.cloudApi_api_permission-GET-60cabf0c_3E7E8C53: Refreshing state... [id=AllowExecutionFromAPIGateway-GET-60cabf0c] aws_s3_object.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_S3Object_99B690DF: Refreshing state... [] aws_iam_role_policy.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicy_05D8CBC6: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627411800000003:terraform-2023071323163389640000000d] aws_iam_role.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRole_23FE1123: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627409900000002] aws_lambda_function.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_B4385311: Refreshing state... [id=cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6] aws_lambda_function.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_8825EF34: Refreshing state... [id=Handler-c8b2075c] aws_iam_role_policy.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_456ED6F1: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627409000000001:terraform-2023071323163388130000000b] aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_0EF121C6: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627409000000001-20230713231627731000000008] aws_api_gateway_rest_api.cloudApi_api_2B334D75: Refreshing state... [id=q1n5thtrf1] aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicyAttachment_73CC9260: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627414600000005-20230713231627728200000007] aws_lambda_function.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_603CBAFD: Refreshing state... [id=Handler-c8c4065c] aws_iam_role.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRole_60C118A3: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627414600000005] aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_F7F266A5: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627409900000002-20230713231627718900000006] aws_iam_role_policy.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_D7855AC0: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627409900000002:terraform-2023071323163389530000000c] aws_lambda_permission.cloudApi_api_permission-POST-cb38ebcb_8FB5CBF5: Refreshing state... [id=AllowExecutionFromAPIGateway-POST-cb38ebcb] aws_lambda_function.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_6AC8279C: Refreshing state... [id=cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6] aws_s3_object.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_S3Object_101BF1FD: Refreshing state... [] aws_s3_object.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_S3Object_2D3CDD60: Refreshing state... [] aws_s3_bucket.Code: Refreshing state... [id=code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004] aws_iam_role.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRole_88F60E9F: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627411800000003] aws_iam_role.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRole_B80DF992: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627409000000001] aws_api_gateway_deployment.cloudApi_api_deployment_545514BF: Refreshing state... [id=szj47i] aws_dynamodb_table.DynamoDBTable_tfawsdynamodbTableDynamodbTable_50EA3DF8: Refreshing state... [id=Table-785679de] aws_iam_role_policy.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicy_2728B668: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627414600000005:terraform-2023071323163387720000000a] aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicyAttachment_00E26B16: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-20230713231627411800000003-20230713231627734200000009] aws_s3_object.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_S3Object_431AEB37: Refreshing state... [] Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_api_gateway_deployment.cloudApi_api_deployment_545514BF will be destroyed # (because aws_api_gateway_deployment.cloudApi_api_deployment_545514BF is not in configuration) - resource "aws_api_gateway_deployment" "cloudApi_api_deployment_545514BF" { - created_date = "2023-07-13T23:16:44Z" -> null - execution_arn = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:223316951128:q1n5thtrf1/" -> null - id = "szj47i" -> null - invoke_url = "" -> null - rest_api_id = "q1n5thtrf1" -> null - triggers = { - "redeployment" = "de968ced67eaf18d2eb02189a3eb6afc36d2a4fe" } -> null } # aws_api_gateway_rest_api.cloudApi_api_2B334D75 will be destroyed # (because aws_api_gateway_rest_api.cloudApi_api_2B334D75 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_api_gateway_rest_api" "cloudApi_api_2B334D75" { - api_key_source = "HEADER" -> null - arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/q1n5thtrf1" -> null - binary_media_types = [] -> null - body = jsonencode( { - openapi = "3.0.3" - paths = { - "/items" = { - get = { - operationId = "get-items" - parameters = [] - responses = { - "200" = { - content = {} - description = "200 response" } } - x-amazon-apigateway-integration = { - contentHandling = "CONVERT_TO_TEXT" - httpMethod = "POST" - passthroughBehavior = "when_no_match" - responses = { - default = { - statusCode = "200" } } - type = "aws_proxy" - uri = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6/invocations" } } } - "/vote" = { - post = { - operationId = "post-vote" - parameters = [] - responses = { - "200" = { - content = {} - description = "200 response" } } - x-amazon-apigateway-integration = { - contentHandling = "CONVERT_TO_TEXT" - httpMethod = "POST" - passthroughBehavior = "when_no_match" - responses = { - default = { - statusCode = "200" } } - type = "aws_proxy" - uri = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6/invocations" } } } } } ) -> null - created_date = "2023-07-13T23:16:44Z" -> null - disable_execute_api_endpoint = false -> null - execution_arn = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:223316951128:q1n5thtrf1" -> null - id = "q1n5thtrf1" -> null - minimum_compression_size = -1 -> null - name = "api-c895068c" -> null - root_resource_id = "yf9ij406y6" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - endpoint_configuration { - types = [ - "EDGE", ] -> null - vpc_endpoint_ids = [] -> null } } # aws_api_gateway_stage.cloudApi_api_stage_BBB283E4 will be destroyed # (because aws_api_gateway_stage.cloudApi_api_stage_BBB283E4 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_api_gateway_stage" "cloudApi_api_stage_BBB283E4" { - arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/q1n5thtrf1/stages/prod" -> null - cache_cluster_enabled = false -> null - deployment_id = "szj47i" -> null - execution_arn = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:223316951128:q1n5thtrf1/prod" -> null - id = "ags-q1n5thtrf1-prod" -> null - invoke_url = "" -> null - rest_api_id = "q1n5thtrf1" -> null - stage_name = "prod" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - variables = {} -> null - xray_tracing_enabled = false -> null } # aws_dynamodb_table.DynamoDBTable_tfawsdynamodbTableDynamodbTable_50EA3DF8 will be destroyed # (because aws_dynamodb_table.DynamoDBTable_tfawsdynamodbTableDynamodbTable_50EA3DF8 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "DynamoDBTable_tfawsdynamodbTableDynamodbTable_50EA3DF8" { - arn = "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de" -> null - billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST" -> null - deletion_protection_enabled = false -> null - hash_key = "Name" -> null - id = "Table-785679de" -> null - name = "Table-785679de" -> null - read_capacity = 0 -> null - stream_enabled = false -> null - table_class = "STANDARD" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - write_capacity = 0 -> null - attribute { - name = "Name" -> null - type = "S" -> null } - point_in_time_recovery { - enabled = false -> null } - ttl { - enabled = false -> null } } # aws_iam_role.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRole_60C118A3 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRole_60C118A3 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRole_60C118A3" { - arn = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627414600000005" -> null - assume_role_policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = "sts:AssumeRole" - Effect = "Allow" - Principal = { - Service = "" } }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - create_date = "2023-07-13T23:16:27Z" -> null - force_detach_policies = false -> null - id = "terraform-20230713231627414600000005" -> null - managed_policy_arns = [ - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole", ] -> null - max_session_duration = 3600 -> null - name = "terraform-20230713231627414600000005" -> null - name_prefix = "terraform-" -> null - path = "/" -> null - role_last_used = [ - { - last_used_date = "" - region = "" }, ] -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - unique_id = "AROATH7V2IBMBBM4GMKY6" -> null - inline_policy { - name = "terraform-2023071323163387720000000a" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:PutItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null } } # aws_iam_role.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRole_88F60E9F will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRole_88F60E9F is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRole_88F60E9F" { - arn = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627411800000003" -> null - assume_role_policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = "sts:AssumeRole" - Effect = "Allow" - Principal = { - Service = "" } }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - create_date = "2023-07-13T23:16:27Z" -> null - force_detach_policies = false -> null - id = "terraform-20230713231627411800000003" -> null - managed_policy_arns = [ - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole", ] -> null - max_session_duration = 3600 -> null - name = "terraform-20230713231627411800000003" -> null - name_prefix = "terraform-" -> null - path = "/" -> null - role_last_used = [ - { - last_used_date = "" - region = "" }, ] -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - unique_id = "AROATH7V2IBMBSIEMY6HK" -> null - inline_policy { - name = "terraform-2023071323163389640000000d" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:Scan", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null } } # aws_iam_role.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRole_B80DF992 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRole_B80DF992 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role" "testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRole_B80DF992" { - arn = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627409000000001" -> null - assume_role_policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = "sts:AssumeRole" - Effect = "Allow" - Principal = { - Service = "" } }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - create_date = "2023-07-13T23:16:27Z" -> null - force_detach_policies = false -> null - id = "terraform-20230713231627409000000001" -> null - managed_policy_arns = [ - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole", ] -> null - max_session_duration = 3600 -> null - name = "terraform-20230713231627409000000001" -> null - name_prefix = "terraform-" -> null - path = "/" -> null - role_last_used = [ - { - last_used_date = "" - region = "" }, ] -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - unique_id = "AROATH7V2IBMOPDNO5VPV" -> null - inline_policy { - name = "terraform-2023071323163388130000000b" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:PutItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:GetItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null } } # aws_iam_role.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRole_23FE1123 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRole_23FE1123 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role" "testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRole_23FE1123" { - arn = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627409900000002" -> null - assume_role_policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = "sts:AssumeRole" - Effect = "Allow" - Principal = { - Service = "" } }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - create_date = "2023-07-13T23:16:27Z" -> null - force_detach_policies = false -> null - id = "terraform-20230713231627409900000002" -> null - managed_policy_arns = [ - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole", ] -> null - max_session_duration = 3600 -> null - name = "terraform-20230713231627409900000002" -> null - name_prefix = "terraform-" -> null - path = "/" -> null - role_last_used = [ - { - last_used_date = "" - region = "" }, ] -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - unique_id = "AROATH7V2IBMEIBFUGV4F" -> null - inline_policy { - name = "terraform-2023071323163389530000000c" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:PutItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:Scan", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null } } # aws_iam_role_policy.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicy_2728B668 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicy_2728B668 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicy_2728B668" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627414600000005:terraform-2023071323163387720000000a" -> null - name = "terraform-2023071323163387720000000a" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:PutItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627414600000005" -> null } # aws_iam_role_policy.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicy_05D8CBC6 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicy_05D8CBC6 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicy_05D8CBC6" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627411800000003:terraform-2023071323163389640000000d" -> null - name = "terraform-2023071323163389640000000d" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:Scan", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627411800000003" -> null } # aws_iam_role_policy.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_456ED6F1 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_456ED6F1 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_456ED6F1" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627409000000001:terraform-2023071323163388130000000b" -> null - name = "terraform-2023071323163388130000000b" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:PutItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:GetItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627409000000001" -> null } # aws_iam_role_policy.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_D7855AC0 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_D7855AC0 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicy_D7855AC0" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627409900000002:terraform-2023071323163389530000000c" -> null - name = "terraform-2023071323163389530000000c" -> null - policy = jsonencode( { - Statement = [ - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:PutItem", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, - { - Action = [ - "dynamodb:Scan", ] - Effect = "Allow" - Resource = [ - "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:223316951128:table/Table-785679de", ] }, ] - Version = "2012-10-17" } ) -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627409900000002" -> null } # aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicyAttachment_73CC9260 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicyAttachment_73CC9260 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_IamRolePolicyAttachment_73CC9260" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627414600000005-20230713231627728200000007" -> null - policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627414600000005" -> null } # aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicyAttachment_00E26B16 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicyAttachment_00E26B16 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_IamRolePolicyAttachment_00E26B16" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627411800000003-20230713231627734200000009" -> null - policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627411800000003" -> null } # aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_0EF121C6 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_0EF121C6 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_0EF121C6" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627409000000001-20230713231627731000000008" -> null - policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627409000000001" -> null } # aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_F7F266A5 will be destroyed # (because aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_F7F266A5 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_IamRolePolicyAttachment_F7F266A5" { - id = "terraform-20230713231627409900000002-20230713231627718900000006" -> null - policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" -> null - role = "terraform-20230713231627409900000002" -> null } # aws_lambda_function.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_B4385311 will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_function.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_B4385311 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_B4385311" { - architectures = [ - "x86_64", ] -> null - arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6" -> null - function_name = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6" -> null - handler = "index.handler" -> null - id = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6" -> null - invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6/invocations" -> null - last_modified = "2023-07-13T23:16:44.776+0000" -> null - layers = [] -> null - memory_size = 128 -> null - package_type = "Zip" -> null - publish = true -> null - qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6:8" -> null - qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6:8/invocations" -> null - reserved_concurrent_executions = -1 -> null - role = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627414600000005" -> null - runtime = "nodejs18.x" -> null - s3_bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - s3_key = "" -> null - skip_destroy = false -> null - source_code_hash = "SAylc/bFdOEpdAIoNbYF7tJuwDlfbYuuJg89jjsIIuE=" -> null - source_code_size = 162178 -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - timeout = 30 -> null - version = "8" -> null - environment { - variables = { - "WING_FUNCTION_NAME" = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6" - "WING_TARGET" = "tf-aws" - "WING_TOKEN_TFTOKEN_TOKEN_1" = "\"Table-785679de\"" } -> null } - ephemeral_storage { - size = 512 -> null } - tracing_config { - mode = "PassThrough" -> null } } # aws_lambda_function.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_6AC8279C will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_function.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_6AC8279C is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_6AC8279C" { - architectures = [ - "x86_64", ] -> null - arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6" -> null - function_name = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6" -> null - handler = "index.handler" -> null - id = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6" -> null - invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6/invocations" -> null - last_modified = "2023-07-13T23:16:44.776+0000" -> null - layers = [] -> null - memory_size = 128 -> null - package_type = "Zip" -> null - publish = true -> null - qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6:9" -> null - qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6:9/invocations" -> null - reserved_concurrent_executions = -1 -> null - role = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627411800000003" -> null - runtime = "nodejs18.x" -> null - s3_bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - s3_key = "" -> null - skip_destroy = false -> null - source_code_hash = "i4wJrR1+Zp0eO+gyr89IhTgOluDDMewLejP4y2sZFxI=" -> null - source_code_size = 161255 -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - timeout = 30 -> null - version = "9" -> null - environment { - variables = { - "WING_FUNCTION_NAME" = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6" - "WING_TARGET" = "tf-aws" - "WING_TOKEN_TFTOKEN_TOKEN_1" = "\"Table-785679de\"" } -> null } - ephemeral_storage { - size = 512 -> null } - tracing_config { - mode = "PassThrough" -> null } } # aws_lambda_function.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_8825EF34 will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_function.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_8825EF34 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_function" "testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_8825EF34" { - architectures = [ - "x86_64", ] -> null - arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8b2075c" -> null - function_name = "Handler-c8b2075c" -> null - handler = "index.handler" -> null - id = "Handler-c8b2075c" -> null - invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8b2075c/invocations" -> null - last_modified = "2023-07-13T23:16:38.109+0000" -> null - layers = [] -> null - memory_size = 128 -> null - package_type = "Zip" -> null - publish = true -> null - qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8b2075c:10" -> null - qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8b2075c:10/invocations" -> null - reserved_concurrent_executions = -1 -> null - role = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627409000000001" -> null - runtime = "nodejs18.x" -> null - s3_bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - s3_key = "" -> null - skip_destroy = false -> null - source_code_hash = "IsWf0HudDCJSMQSaNTN+/GNGFYHQZ2rRqs3vBc1NDtU=" -> null - source_code_size = 144868 -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - timeout = 30 -> null - version = "10" -> null - environment { - variables = { - "WING_FUNCTION_NAME" = "Handler-c8b2075c" - "WING_TARGET" = "tf-aws" - "WING_TOKEN_TFTOKEN_TOKEN_1" = "\"Table-785679de\"" } -> null } - ephemeral_storage { - size = 512 -> null } - tracing_config { - mode = "PassThrough" -> null } } # aws_lambda_function.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_603CBAFD will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_function.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_603CBAFD is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_function" "testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_603CBAFD" { - architectures = [ - "x86_64", ] -> null - arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8c4065c" -> null - function_name = "Handler-c8c4065c" -> null - handler = "index.handler" -> null - id = "Handler-c8c4065c" -> null - invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8c4065c/invocations" -> null - last_modified = "2023-07-13T23:16:42.166+0000" -> null - layers = [] -> null - memory_size = 128 -> null - package_type = "Zip" -> null - publish = true -> null - qualified_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8c4065c:10" -> null - qualified_invoke_arn = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8c4065c:10/invocations" -> null - reserved_concurrent_executions = -1 -> null - role = "arn:aws:iam::223316951128:role/terraform-20230713231627409900000002" -> null - runtime = "nodejs18.x" -> null - s3_bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - s3_key = "" -> null - skip_destroy = false -> null - source_code_hash = "hV/kMAE52vRfhV6sO79R7ssFhuaiB7seLV9y3ZdoGvc=" -> null - source_code_size = 145246 -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - timeout = 30 -> null - version = "10" -> null - environment { - variables = { - "WING_FUNCTION_NAME" = "Handler-c8c4065c" - "WING_TARGET" = "tf-aws" - "WING_TOKEN_TFTOKEN_TOKEN_1" = "\"Table-785679de\"" } -> null } - ephemeral_storage { - size = 512 -> null } - tracing_config { - mode = "PassThrough" -> null } } # aws_lambda_permission.cloudApi_api_permission-GET-60cabf0c_3E7E8C53 will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_permission.cloudApi_api_permission-GET-60cabf0c_3E7E8C53 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_permission" "cloudApi_api_permission-GET-60cabf0c_3E7E8C53" { - action = "lambda:InvokeFunction" -> null - function_name = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-8d2e75ec-c88d95b6" -> null - id = "AllowExecutionFromAPIGateway-GET-60cabf0c" -> null - principal = "" -> null - source_arn = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:223316951128:q1n5thtrf1/*/GET/items" -> null - statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromAPIGateway-GET-60cabf0c" -> null } # aws_lambda_permission.cloudApi_api_permission-POST-cb38ebcb_8FB5CBF5 will be destroyed # (because aws_lambda_permission.cloudApi_api_permission-POST-cb38ebcb_8FB5CBF5 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_lambda_permission" "cloudApi_api_permission-POST-cb38ebcb_8FB5CBF5" { - action = "lambda:InvokeFunction" -> null - function_name = "cloud-Api-OnRequest-41f14472-c81170c6" -> null - id = "AllowExecutionFromAPIGateway-POST-cb38ebcb" -> null - principal = "" -> null - source_arn = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:223316951128:q1n5thtrf1/*/POST/vote" -> null - statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromAPIGateway-POST-cb38ebcb" -> null } # aws_s3_bucket.Code will be destroyed # (because aws_s3_bucket.Code is not in configuration) - resource "aws_s3_bucket" "Code" { - arn = "arn:aws:s3:::code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - bucket_domain_name = "" -> null - bucket_prefix = "code-c84a50b1-" -> null - bucket_regional_domain_name = "" -> null - force_destroy = false -> null - hosted_zone_id = "Z3AQBSTGFYJSTF" -> null - id = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - object_lock_enabled = false -> null - region = "us-east-1" -> null - request_payer = "BucketOwner" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - grant { - id = "f04581eb3b45ed589d9b96602566034fb74e8c59a91cc803ea7146c2a7385834" -> null - permissions = [ - "FULL_CONTROL", ] -> null - type = "CanonicalUser" -> null } - server_side_encryption_configuration { - rule { - bucket_key_enabled = false -> null - apply_server_side_encryption_by_default { - sse_algorithm = "AES256" -> null } } } - versioning { - enabled = false -> null - mfa_delete = false -> null } } # aws_s3_object.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_S3Object_2D3CDD60 will be destroyed # (because aws_s3_object.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_S3Object_2D3CDD60 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_s3_object" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_S3Object_2D3CDD60" { - acl = "private" -> null - bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - bucket_key_enabled = false -> null - content_type = "binary/octet-stream" -> null - etag = "89bda787161a819a3b70bbb732b0106a" -> null - force_destroy = false -> null - id = "" -> null - key = "" -> null - metadata = {} -> null - server_side_encryption = "AES256" -> null - source = "assets/cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-41f14472_Asset_83DC60BE/4762C7248564C35E1D71BF2A502552C2/" -> null - storage_class = "STANDARD" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null } # aws_s3_object.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_S3Object_431AEB37 will be destroyed # (because aws_s3_object.cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_S3Object_431AEB37 is not in configuration) - resource "aws_s3_object" "cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_S3Object_431AEB37" { - acl = "private" -> null - bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - bucket_key_enabled = false -> null - content_type = "binary/octet-stream" -> null - etag = "eb8fe384bf15bc5b29dd1491da8d8544" -> null - force_destroy = false -> null - id = "" -> null - key = "" -> null - metadata = {} -> null - server_side_encryption = "AES256" -> null - source = "assets/cloudApi_cloudApi-OnRequest-8d2e75ec_Asset_8197EBA4/8166D73CC8C8BEC3AC71F0AC3CFE49FE/" -> null - storage_class = "STANDARD" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null } # aws_s3_object.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_S3Object_99B690DF will be destroyed # (because aws_s3_object.testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_S3Object_99B690DF is not in configuration) - resource "aws_s3_object" "testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_S3Object_99B690DF" { - acl = "private" -> null - bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - bucket_key_enabled = false -> null - content_type = "binary/octet-stream" -> null - etag = "26432206d3d7efcaccf8e5e6c81cdd8a" -> null - force_destroy = false -> null - id = "" -> null - key = "" -> null - metadata = {} -> null - server_side_encryption = "AES256" -> null - source = "assets/testputandgetaniteminthetable_Handler_Asset_C9624529/5CD5D161AB6B75FF8F847FE7657B7AB4/" -> null - storage_class = "STANDARD" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null } # aws_s3_object.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_S3Object_101BF1FD will be destroyed # (because aws_s3_object.testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_S3Object_101BF1FD is not in configuration) - resource "aws_s3_object" "testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_S3Object_101BF1FD" { - acl = "private" -> null - bucket = "code-c84a50b1-20230713231627414400000004" -> null - bucket_key_enabled = false -> null - content_type = "binary/octet-stream" -> null - etag = "8ee5ac840ecf9208a38d0899beb64498" -> null - force_destroy = false -> null - id = "" -> null - key = "" -> null - metadata = {} -> null - server_side_encryption = "AES256" -> null - source = "assets/testscanitemsinthetable_Handler_Asset_0C770AB9/3A9C55B9613434B93430B6DD14C35891/" -> null - storage_class = "STANDARD" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 27 to destroy. Changes to Outputs: ~ WING_TEST_RUNNER_FUNCTION_ARNS = jsonencode( ~ [ - [ - "root/Default/Default/test:put and get an item in the table", - "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8b2075c", ], - [ - "root/Default/Default/test:scan items in the table", - "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:223316951128:function:Handler-c8c4065c", ], ] ) ```